Awkward situation

591 13 11

- "Rengoku opens his eyes"
- *groan*
- u-uzui..?
- *rengoku in mind* oh he's sleeping...
- "rengoku tries to leave"
- *pull*
- ah, I knew were awake!
- "uzui grunts"
- stay here for a little while...
- ...okay~
- "rengoku lays back down"
- "turns to tengens face"
- you look really pretty kyojurou~
- quit the act it's morning...
- chuu~
- !!
- huh.!
- I said quit the act!!!
- what..I just gave you a kiss?
- I know! But it's not like we're boyfriends!
- ....
- kyojurou, you made this happen.
- t-t-that doesn't mean anything!
- it does~
- ugh! "Kyojurou turns around so he doesn't see tengens face"
- it's still morning tho..."says kyojurou"
- yeah,I know?
- mornings aren't for sex and making out...
- *uzui blushes a bit*
- well,I was just giving you a kiss nothing else?...
- w-well I-I-I knew t-that! "Kyojurou says out of embarrassment"
- heh! Yeah yeah,I'm sure you did
- agh! Your making me confused! I'm leaving!
- *kyojurou springs out of the room and shuts the door*
- *pant* what am I thinking..."he says with a red face"
- it's not like we're something...
- *in mind* it's still early..i could Sprint to my dorm..but what if there are people?...
- *in mind* I'm naked so if people saw me it would be everywhere on the internet...
- agh! I'll just run
- *he takes a random hoodie and quickly runs out and into his dorm*
- *pant* *huff*
- ha~ I'm in my dorm again...
- !!!
- ah! I-I've got tengens hoodie!
- ugh.. there's nothing I can do now.
- hm? Why did he run out like that.?
- heh, I guess he's embarrassed.
- *slam!*
- ...?
- *in mind* did he leave the dorm?.
- huh.
- wth
- *dying inside* aushhsnakmsbdlwkwbwbwhjd
- shiiii-ucks
- I-I-I-
- agh! Why did I run out like that!
- not even checking what I'm putting on myself...
- ....
- *sniff*
- smells nice..
- *his smile grows bigger*
- but let me put on some underwear first...
- *he puts on underwear and some pants*
- I'll go brush my hair.
- *he goes to brush his hair*
- ...yesterday....
- I can still feel that tingly sensation~
- nevermind that..
- should I give back the hoodie or keep it...?
- ehm...
- hm...
- I'll....
- I'll just take it to class no one will notice!
- *mind* I'm gonna go look what classes we have today..
- shit.
- I have classes with tengen!
- *mind* that's gonna be so embarrassing!!
- *he gets flustered*
- nevermind that *again*
- *he quickly runs to the bathroom to go look in the mirror*
- oh fuck! He left a lot of marks.
- ...
- atleast i have his hoodie.
- but even though I have it it's still visible..
- arghh!
- *mind* why did I even have sex with him!! Now how do I build up my friendship again!
- hm...
- let the negative thoughts leave you kyojurou.
- *breathe in*
- *exhale*
- phew
- I'm okay now.
- *takes his bag and goes to the classroom*
- *places the bag on the ground next to his table*
- *mind* no one's here yet.
- *sits down*
- (some time passes and a few students come to class)
- *tengen arrives*
- *in mind* he's here!!
- *tengen walks up to kyojurou*
- hey rengoku you left your hoodie at my dor-
- ....!
- *he notices kyojurou is wearing HIS hoodie*
- *grin*
- *sits down next to kyojurou*
- oi rengoku.
- *kyojurou behind sweating*
- y-yes?
- the hickeys..*he quietly says*
- I can see them.
- .!
- agh! S-so what!
- hm,come on rengoku,don't act cold on me~
- *slides his hand on kyojurou thigh*
- * kyojurou blushes*
- hey! W-we're in class! *he whispers*
- *tengen leans in as if he's about to kiss rengoku*
- what are yo-
- if you want to. Let's go talk it out in the schools toilets.
- !!
- *tengen stands up,takes kyojurous hand and they run into the boys bathroom*
- let's get in this stall.
- *tengen takes kyojurou into the stall with him*
- *sits on the toilet*
- *sigh* (tengen)
- we've got 10 minutes before the bell rings.
- ah,o-okay
- *flustered*
- show me how the marks look like now.
- g-gah! W-why?..y-you already know what they look like because you looked at my neck!
- haha! Guess you caught me.
- you just wanted to see my body !
- and? *chuckles*
- *stands up and gets close to kyojurou*
- *he puts his hands on kyojurous waist and pulls him closer*
- ngh!
- moaning already? Pfft
- *kisses him*
- mhgh~
- kiss me back rengoku~
- *kisses him again*
- *rengoku kisses him back*
- *tengen leans in even more causing him to be too close*
- h-hey t-tengen. Y-your crotch is touching my crotch!
- yeah I know~
- *rub*
- ngh!~
- *tengen quietly moans*
- .?
- tengen did you just moan.?
- pffft!!
- hey,look at yourself first *he chuckles*
- *quickly takes kyojurous waist and pulls it to him while going to sit on the toilet
- there. Now sit on me.
- huuuh?!
- sit on me,you did it last night~
- *pulls kyojurou so he sits on him*
- g-gah!
- *rubs it against kyojuro*
- ngh~ why are you rubbing your crotch against mine!~
- since I can't fuck you I'll have to rub it against you or hump you. But there's no time for humping so I'll be doing this~
- ah~ *mind* ngh~ why am I feeling it from this?!
- *still rubbing*
- *uzui grunts*
- haha...fuck~
- hey uzui..? W-what time is it?
- hm,let me check
- *grabs his phone out of his pocket*
- it's 8:50..
- well...
- three more minutes for us!~
- *mind* fuck you're so hot kyojurou~
- *rubs it against kyojurou hard*
- nghh!!!~ ah!~
- *bulge*
- ..!
- !!!!!
- *in mind* he's hard!
- *in mind* shit! I'm hard!!!!
- *they both look at eachother*
- we don't have any time left rengoku. I can't help you with this right now.
- either it goes by itself or I'll have to help you out in class.
- but how the hell did you get hard from that?
- s-shut up ! *he said embarrassingly*
- kekeke!
- well then. Atleast hide it with my hoodie that you have~
- shut up about that too!
- alright alright.
- *they walk to class together and they both sit down*
- we came in time.
- *kyojurou nods*
- *the teacher comes in*
- hello class.
- *everyone* hello miss shingun.
- *kyojurou stares awkwardly at the table*
- *the teacher begins talking*
- is it down yet? *tengen whispers*
- n-no *kyojurou whispers back*
- *in mind* I can't get it down because I still feel him rubbing against me!
- *kyojurou sweating*
- oi rengoku,be calm *he whispers*
- hey boys! What's with the chatting?! How about one of you come here and solve the problem!
- *both in shock*
- *in mind* fuck!
- *in mind* fuck!
- how about you tengen? Huh? Now get your butt up here!
- *both in mind* phew
- *tengen in mind* I'm relived it wasn't kyojurou,and that has gotta be the cringiest line ever.
- *uzui stands up and goes to solve the problem*
- there.
- *walks back and sits down*
- *teacher talking again*
- ( 15 minutes pass )
- is it still hard? *uzui whispers*
- *rengoku puts his head on the table*
- I'm so embarrassed of myself! *whispers*
- so it still is...*he whispers*
- *tengen puts his hand on rengokus thighs*
- *moves his hand closer to rengokus crotch*
- s-stop! We're not gonna do it here right?! *he whispers*
*quietly pulls down the zipper on kyojurous pants*
- *in mind* hngh!!! I can't do anything!! I'm frozen in place!
- *pulls out rengokus dick*
- !!
- do NOT make any noise. *he whispered*
- *he quietly spits on it*
- you cum quickly so it'll be over in a few minutes. *he whispers*
- *starts fapping kyojurous dick*
- !!!
- *in mind* he has fucking lost his mind!!!!!
- *grunts quietly*
- oh we gotta write kyojurou,let's do it before she erases it! *he whispers*
- *in mind* h-how the hell does he maintain calmness in this situation?!
- m-m-mhm~ *he whispers*
- *they both start writing*
- *tengen starts fapping faster with his left hand while he's writing with the right one*
- u-ungh!~ *ge tries to quietly moan*
- I-I'm gonna c-cum! *he whispers*
- that's good. *tengen whispers back*
- *in mind* why did he speed u-up!!??
- *fwap!!*
- *in mind* shit that fap made a noise!
- *looks around to see if anyone heard it*
- *in mind* phew no one heard that.
- *rengoku puts his hand on uzuis thigh and squeezes it*
- *clenches teeth*
- *grunt*
- a little longer and then you'll cum *he whispers*
- I-I-I don't t-think I'm gonna make it! I n-need to let out a moan! *he whispers*
- *secretly kisses him*
- hngh!~ *he moans quietly*
- *covers his mouth*
- *in mind* one last fap and we're done don't worry~
- *fwap!* *spluurt!*
- *mumbling his moans while covering his mouth*
- well there you have it rengoku.
- *licks his hand*
- your cum is tasty~
- *in mind* I gotta do this quick or the people will see it
- *tries to hide rengokus dick and licks off all the cum*
- *rengoku puts it back in and zips up his pants*
- *breathing heavily*
- you alright?
- y-yeah I was j-just nervous!
- so...ya still hard or nah?
- n-no! What kind of question is that! I probably let out all I had!!
- pfft! Yea yea~
- anyways.
- which class do we have now?

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I've accomplished something because I finally wrote a long chapter! (1505 words in the story and 1541 all together) thank you for waiting! Next chapter soon babes<3

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!I feel like I've accomplished something because I finally wrote a long chapter! (1505 words in the story and 1541 all together) thank you for waiting! Next chapter soon babes<3

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My lovely uzui ❤️😻🫶

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