Dirty thoughts~

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- I'm gonna head to class!
- I'm gonna head to class!
- "said the both of them as they ran off to their next class"
- after 4 classes  it was lunch break.
- they still have 3 hours
- "Rengoku walks in the cafeteria" phew..no one is here.
- "mind" I'll take lunch outside.
- "he walks to the lunch lady"
- hello miss!
- hello!
- early again? "Asked the lunch lady"
- yeah
- where's your friend? Uzui right?
- well uhm..
- we kinda got into an awkward situation...
- "he begins to blush again"
- Ooooh~ I get it!
- Huh?
- "he realized it's clear to see he's blushing"
- N-no! It's not like that!
- mhm,if ya say so!
- I'll take lunch with me
- you don't want to eat it here?
- nope!
- alright
- "she puts the food on the plates and puts it on the tray" here ya go!
- thank you! "He bows"
- "he walks out of the cafeteria and goes to the hangout"
- kyaaaa!!! Kyoujuro came!! "Said someone"
- oh,hey Mitsuri!
- HII! "Mitsuri runs to rengoku and hugs him"
- I'm glad you came! But...where's Tengen? Doesn't he usually come with you?
- yeah.. it's just something happened..
- did you get in a fight?!
- ah,no! Quite the opposites
- huh? Then what happened????
- well.."he blushes"
- hm? "Curiously asks shinobu"
- "he covers Mitsuri's mouth"
- I'll tell you once I sit down.
- " he sits down with shinobu and Mitsuri"
- so what happened Kyoujuro? "Asked shinobu"
- "he puts his his tray on the table and sits down with Mitsuri"
- you two also got food early?
- yep! "Said Mitsuri"
- yes! "Said shinobu"
- alright then..I'll tell you
- so me and Tengen were going to our other class
- and some assholes were running and they bumped into us a-
-.."he starts to blush"
- KYAAAA!!!!
- yeah long story short we kissed.
- b-but it was an accident!
- oh my! "Said shinobu" well,lucky you two!
- HUH-
- n-no! I mean-
- let's just eat " Kyoujuro said to get away from the sentence"
- alright.
- kyaa! Yes!! The food looks so good!!!
- "they begin to eat together"
- that was yummy!! "Said Mitsuri"
- indeed "said shinobu"
- yes!
- "they put the trays in the cleaner and said they're goodbyes as they went to their next class"
- "3 hours later.."
- finally class is over!
- I can go to my dorm!!!
- *sigh*
- homework.. "he said with a very,very frowny face
- I'm gonna do it later "mind"
- "he goes to his dorm,puts on some comfy clothes and jumps on his bed"
- heh
- "mind" I'm gonna sleep
- "when he lays on the bed he slowly begins to fall asleep..."
- Kyo~ "said Tengen"
- wake up~
- everyone's gone..
- huh? "Said rengoku"
- come with me~
- ah?
- woah! "He yells as Uzui grabs him by his arm"
- w-where are we going?
- to my dorm..~
- huh?!
- "they run together to Uzui's dorm"
-  why are we here?!
- didn't I tell you? "Said uzui"
- n-no?
- come~
- "they go inside the dorm and on the bed"
- you promised you'd make out with me~
- huh?!
- you did didn't you?~
- i- uh-
- "Tengen leans on Kyoujuro and he begins to get closer to him"
- " his lips almost touched mine"
- "he opens his eyes"
- *pant* what was that?!
- what kind of dream was that?!

- to be continued... if there are any mistakes in my grammar then I am sorry!

 if there are any mistakes in my grammar then I am sorry!

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