Chapter 2

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I'll be making more time between events. So yk when Deku almost gets expelled and then the battle with him, Uraraka, Iida and Bakugo? There'll be a bigger gap between em.


"All right. That's it for today. I expect every single one of you to have your homework done tomorrow."

A scruffy teacher stood infront of a class of 20. Some of the students had odd features to them. Nothing like the people in the walls.

"Uhhh...what is that?" A black haired boy points behind his teacher.

Everyone in the class watch as sand spills from the ceiling.  At first it was slow with not much coming through but the pace picked up and more spilled.

"Stay back."


There was sand for miles. The sky was dark and filled with stars yet it was also blindingly bright. Time seemed to be moving so unbelievably fast and at the same time so painstakingly slow.



My head whips around and I see a girl.

"I've been waiting for quite some time, Y/n."

Her mouth doesn't move but I can hear her loud and clear. She was small in stature. Her light hair reached her shoulder. She had straight cut bangs that rested below her eyebrows.

"You look like your mother."

"I don't- what- who are you?"

"Ymir. Your family has been friends with mine for centuries. I'm here to tell you a bit about yourself before you go."

"Go where?"

"Your titan is the guard titan. Years ago, it's job was to protect the founding titan. It's been passed down the L/n's for generations."

'She ignored me.'

"However, since you're also an Ackerman, it's seemed to mess with your abilities. Don't threat though, once you've found your host, your titan should figure out what to do. You'll be powerful. More powerful than those before you. That comes with risks, though. You'll need to be careful."

I nod slightly.

"Your regeneration might work though. You could try it out."

You nod again. You were quite injured so it'd be helpful if it worked.

" did I die or what?"

She stays silent for a second.

"We've ran out of time"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"It was nice to speak to you. It gets rather lonely around here. This will play out in your favour soon. You've grown to be quite a remarkable young lady."

I look down to see the sand wrapping itself around my limbs. A gap starts to form in the sand I had been resting on but I don't move. I feel at peace as the sand brushes against my skin and slowly begins to swallow me up.

The ceiling caves in and a pile of sand lands on the floor. It slowly begins to fade into nothing. Under it was a girl lying on her side. She was decorated in deep cuts. There was a bade stuck in the side she wasn't laying on and one in her stomach.

"Oh dear."

"Hey...Sir, is she alive?"

As if on cue, she coughs. Sand and blood lands on the floor next to her.

"Iida, go tell Nezu."

"Yes, Sir."

Second person pov

You listen to footsteps and then a door opening and shutting. Slowly you begin to gather your strength and pull yourself off the floor.

"Hey, Kid, you should probably stay down." A deep, rough voice advises.

You open your eyes and stand fully. There were kids looking at you in both fear and curiosity. No. These weren't kids. Perhaps aliens? A poor looking man takes a step towards you. You pull put your blades and hold them out infront. The kids gasp and the man stops in his tracks with his hands up.

"Hey. Careful now."

"Tell me where I am."

"UA high school."

You tilt your head.

"Where abouts in the walls is that?"

He tilts his head too.

"Walls? You're in Japan."

"That isn't in the walls... Are there any titans around?"

"Titans? Walls?" 

"Don't play dumb."

You push your blade closer and he takes a step back. You cough again. More blood flies from between your lips. There was a loud ring which caused you to spin slightly. You still kept a blade stretched toward the man.

Everything looked strange to you. As you thought about it, you realised you and the other people were speaking differently too. What was going on?

The door opened. There were a few adults and an....oversized rat? Your breath caught in your throat as it looked at you.

"Oh dear. You've got quite the wounds there."

"That doesn't matter. Where am I?"

"UA hig-"

"No. That's what the homeless man said. There is no 'UA high school' or 'Japan' in the walls so where am I?"

A few kids crowded outside, trying to get a look at what was happening. If they caught a glimpse of you their eyes widened. To be fair, you were severely injured and pointing swords at people.

"I'm not sure I understand, dear." He took a step towards you. You stepped forward too with a sword extended in his direction.

After trying to take another, your body finally gave up on you. You fell to your hands an knees. Blood splattered on the floor as you coughed violently. There were a few gasps.

'Stop being weak. Stand up. Stand up. STAND UP!'

You kneeled instead, not having enough strength to make it all the way.

"Please lay down, dear."

You took off your green cape and stuffed it in your mouth. You looked up at the ceiling and gripped onto the blade in your side. It slices your hand slightly but you ignored it.

"Don't do that." The scruffy guy said.

Little sparks lit as you pulled it from your body. There was no transformation though. Your teeth bit into your cape as you tried not to cry. It finally came out and you dropped it to the floor. You did the same for the one in your stomach.

Steam hissed from the deep wounds and soon the smaller injuries did the same. You sighed.

"Interesting. Is that your quirk."

"What? I've never heard of a quirk."

Whispers sounded from the room and the hallway. Your eyes started to feel heavy.

'Am I seriously about to collapse? How weak.'

Just like you thought, your body began to fall. Darkness clouded your vision.

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