Chapter 9

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"Uhhh...Sir? What's wrong with Miss Soldier?"

Aizawa chuckled under his breath.

"I'm pretty sure she's embarrassed."

You had moved your desk to the corner of the room and placed your chair to face the wall. Currently, you have your head down on the table. All the attention you were getting was embarrassing. You weren't used to it.

"C'mon, Miss Soldier! You should be proud!" Kaminari ruffles your hair.

"Shut up(.)(!)" Bakugo also wasn't too happy with the attention you were receiving.

"That damn extra. Taking the spotlight all for herself..."

"Well, she isn't an extra then..." Sero mutters to himself.

The class suddenly stopped talking. There were some whispers but you paid them no mind.

"Y/n. Please come sit with me, I have sweets I want you to try." The squeaking of a desk and chair made its way to the student's ears. They turned to see your desk and chair placed next to Todoroki's.

"Hey! No fair!"

Todoroki ignored their cries and came to sit in his chair. He pulled a lolly-pop from his pocket and handed it to you. Everyone else soon took their seats.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have 3 instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

The class gasps excitedly

"Sir! What kinda training is it?" Sero shouts.

Aizawa holds up a card with 'rescue' written in bold letters. He explains in more detail to the class but you zoned out.

The night before you had fallen asleep immediately. That hadn't happened since you were like....a toddler. You had a strange dream that felt like it went on for years. You weren't in your body either. Your voice sounded like your mother's but...younger.

It talked about your titan. There were 3 stages. Since yesterday, you had been on stage 1; you can crystallise and heal but you can't shift. When you woke up, you were completely confused. You'd forgotten who you were for a minute.

People had started getting out of their seats and heading towards their hero costumes. You did the same and went to the changing rooms.

■▪︎■Time skip ■▪︎■
1st person pov

We were currently outside waiting for a bus to take us to our training ground. Iida was taking class rep extremely seriously. It was quite admirable, I suppose.

He was disappointed when the bus arrived. It was an open layout so his plan wouldn't work. I sat beside him and Mina.

"The buss's open layout ruined my boarding strategy." He was hunched over.

"Hey now, don't be upset! If my Commander was upset every time something didn't go to plan...Well, he'd be depressed!" I rubbed circles on his back.

"Good try, Y/n," Mina whispers to me.

'What? I didn't say anything wrong, did I?'

I had missed out on some of the conversations but came back to Kirishima showing his quirk.

"Hey, we kinda match now. One of my titan powers has started working since yesterday." I crystallise my arm and hold it out in front.

"Lucky! I wanna match quirks with Y/n, too!" Mina shouts. Kirishima rubs the back of his neck.

"Actually, my quirk is pretty cool. I can be a shield and a weapon."

"Talk about a 180!" Kaminari laughed.

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