Chapter 13

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Tw: Suicidal thoughts and gore.
Talking about some of your past again.

The class had been training hard for the sports festival. You weren't allowed to wear your gear or hero costume so you were focusing on things other than ODM gear. You'd been experimenting with your crystallising. So far, you were doing pretty well. However, it wasn't the most reliable. Other than that, you'd been working on speed, stamina and strength.

The Pro, Author, hadn't been back since the day you found out that you likely weren't from this world. You guessed she was working. After the meeting, you avoided her. She'd seen all of your past, even the bits you couldn't remember. She'd seen every time you'd been weak. It made you feel ashamed.

"Hey, Y/n. Do you think you could come on a run with me, around the field a few times? I'm guessing a soldier would be good at it..." Midoriya asked nervously.

"Yeah, sure. Let me get a bag."


"Huh? Oh, we used to run with heavy bags to make it harder."

He nodded and told you he'd wait. You ran inside the school and went to lost property. You found a bag that looked similar to what you'd have back home. You exited the building and found some hefty rocks you could stuff inside. You didn't have what you'd normally use on hand so you had to make do. Once the bag was roughly the same weight as what you were used to, you went back to Midoriya.

(Bag like that)

"Okay, I'm ready." You say as you walk towards the hero fanatic.

"Great!" The boy was beyond excited to run with you. He saw it as an honour to do... anything with you.

"Could I try to hold your bag?" He asked as the two of you ran at a manageable pace.

"Sure, just don't hurt yourself." You smile back at him. He laughed quietly with a blush, becoming visible, on his cheeks.

You hand over the cumbersome(cheeky) bag. His body lowered instantly but he didn't fall completely. His pace had slowed down, drastically. It made you laugh. His previous blush became even stronger. You used a hand to lift it and put it on your back.

"You must've trained hard!" You laugh and nodded at him.

"It was fun though. My friends were great."

Secretly, he hoped one day, you'd talk about him like that. He wasn't going to acknowledge the thought though.

He got tired after a surprising amount of time. You, however, still had energy. Over the day, you trained with mostly all of your classmates. They asked for pointers in combat, mostly. All except a certain explosive blonde had come up to you.

"Sand girl. I want a fight."

You stopped talking to Kaminari, the last person you trained with. Ever so slightly, you turned your head to look over your shoulder.

"No please?"

"Dammit! Stop messing around!"

You smirk. Kaminari's laugh made its way to your ears.

"C'mon, dude! No offence, but she's gonna win! Kirishima and I saw what happened last time!"

"Hey now, he wants a fight. That's fine, I'll give him a match. All I want is a 'please'."

The two of you laugh as the boy grits his teeth.

"Bitch. Sand girl! Please, fight me." He seethed.

"Good boy." You coo as you ruffle his spikey hair. He was about to shout at your words and actions but you had different plans. Your knee collided with his stomach and he doubled over. He was off guard. You kicked at his side and he toppled over to the floor.

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