Chapter 5

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The scout did a salute before continuing to speak.

"We've looked around any possible places she could have landed. There's no trace of her body. No blood either."

The blonde Commander concealed his small smirk that was just itching to present itself on his lips.

"Thank you. You are dismissed."

The scout did one last salute before taking long strides out of the office. The door came to a close and the blonde finally turned to his companion.

"Perhaps she escaped."

"She jumped off a 50 meter wall. Plus she was already injured. It's more likely that a titan had her as a light snack."

"She's a titan shifter. I know you said you broke her gear but maybe it still had a bit of life left in it. You should be more hopeful, Levi."

"Why do you care so much? She's a traitor to humanity."

"Ah. Yes. Well I don't belive that too much."

The tiny captains eyes widened. The Commander of the survey corps still had faith in his little sister?"


"She didn't fight back. Only protected herself. Well, maybe I'm biased. It's a shame really. I was looking forward to her taking over. I had grown to see her as...Well family."

Levi stood up suddenly and stormed out of the office. The Commander watched his figure as it angrily swung the door open and slammed it to a close. He shook his head and sighed.

"I'm not biased. I know there was something she wasn't telling us."

He swirled his locket around in his fingers. It had been helping him think lately. Before, it normally stayed within his desk drawer. It was comforting ever since she 'died'. He knew she was somewhere, alive and well, wearing her version of the necklace. There were a total of 5 out there. She had got them for everyone she was close to at the time. Herself, Miche, Hange, Levi and him.

When she was 10, they all went to the market. There was a jewellery stand that caught her eye.


"Look! Can we go over!?"

Hange took her hand and rushed over to the stand. The rest of them walked over, slightly slower.

"Little runt, Look at these."

She rushed over to her big brother. She looked at 5 lockets, lined up neatly. Her eyes seemed to shine.

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