Chapter 16

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"Sit on one of the chairs on the stage." Aizawa whispers. Your throat felt dry. Everyone's eyes were on you.

You walked down, in-between the rows of chairs and climbed the steps to the stage. Nezu was sitting on one of the chairs Aizawa pointed out. You sat down and he got up.

"I'm sorry but I haven't really been filled in on the details. Can someone come up and explain?"

A pro you recognised from earlier walked over.

"This is the girl that infiltrated UA, right? I don't know why we didn't arrest her then. That wasn't suspicious to anyone?" Your breath hitched. You kept your eyes on the floor and hands clenched around the chair.

'Am I really gonna loose another home because of these damn titans?'

"Today, she chased a man out of the stadium. When he got through the exit, me and a few others surrounded him. He told her to tell us to let him go. A few seconds passed and she did just that. They seemed to know eachother."

"The blonde man?" Endeavour enquired.


The number two hero hummed.

"He spoke to me just before the last match. Said something about needing her back. He definitely seemed suspicious."

"What! No, I won't go!" The heroes jumped at your sudden outburst.

Nezu rubs circles on your back.
"Why's that, dear."

Your lips parted but no words came out.

"It's okay." You nodded. You were well aware that it was okay but those visions made you feel ill.

"I- I think he comes from my world. He's an enemy. I had a few visions-"

"We let a villain go over some visions!?" Your head lowered again and your grip tightened.

"Can you let her finish?" Aizawa clicks his tounge.

"The first one, I think I was on my mother's body. I heard screams and crying. The body I was in said something about the screams giving hera headache. There was a blonde man. He moved and I saw a younger version of myself. I was strapped to a bed" You swallowed.

"Can't you see you're stressing her out?" Lilly asked.

"And who the hell are you?"

"Ah...I know her. Writing hero: Author. She keeps low most of the time." Said hero rolls her eyes and clicks her tounge. She walks over to the stage and sits on the edge.

"Want me to do it, sweetheart?" You nodded slowly.

"Since some of you have been dicks, I'll give you the memories. You can see all the gore and then feel bad about yourselves.

"Hey-" Everyone goes dead silent. The room was still.


"Huh? What are you doing up, little runt?" A ravenette grumbled. It was dark. Not a single light in sight.

"I love you, Y'know? If anything happens, I need you to remember that. Please tell Isabelle and Ferlan the same."

"What are you talking about? You sound crazy. Go get some sleep, okay?"

A hum followed his question. Footsteps retreated.

'I've got a bad feeling.'

There was a creak somewhere in the distance. Multiple footsteps echoed. The darkness seemed to fade. A small h/c girl was revealed. It was you as a child. The creak seemed to put you on edge. You snuck to the kitchen and pulled out a knife. The footsteps still echoed.

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