Chapter 6

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School wasn't too bad. Most of my classmates were extremely kind. The classes were a lot easier on the body than I was used to.

I now understood that normal classes, for example, English or maths, take place in the morning. If I was being honest, they were boring. But, the teachers were nice and didn't constantly yell. Well, most of them. Present Mic was pretty loud but he wasn't saying anything potentially hurtful.
In the afternoon, hero training began. I admit, I was quite intruiged as to what happened in those lessons.

It was currently lunch time.

"Hey, Y/n! Do you wanna sit with us?" I turned towards Uraraka. She was an extremely sweet girl from what I had gathered.

I felt as if a few people were glaring in our direction but as soon as I looked around, people were all smiling.

"Um...okay. I must warn you though, I don't really know what to expect. I'd appreciate it if you could help me out." I rub my neck, sheepishly.

I watch as the brunettes eyes light up.

"Of course I can help! The food here's so tasty. Cheap too!"

I had almost forgotten about the money Aizawa had given me before we left that morning.

"Sounds good. Should we get going?"

She nodded and walked over to the classroom's door. She held it open for me and let me walk through. I hadn't noticed the glares she received from the class but she had. She gave them all a small smile before walking with me.

It was much nicer than the hall we ate in. You could already smell the food as you walked in. I hoped it tasted as good as it smelt. The food I had tried in this place was so good. They didn't have limited space so they had lots of room for live stock. There was other types of food too, that weren't like anything in the walls. My favourites were the sweets (candy or whatever it's called for you). I had only tried a few but I was already in love. I don't know if I could survive on the food back home anymore.

"What do you suggest?"


"Cold soba." I turned to see a boy with two coloured hair. His name was Shoto Todoroki, seat 15.

"It's nice."

"Thanks Todoroki."

He nodded at me. Uraraka gave him a small glare but I remained oblivious. The boy brushed it off since he was feeling proud of himself on the inside.

Once we both got our food, we went to sit at a table with Midoriya and Iida. Uraraka took her seat next to Iida.

"Take a seat, Y/n."

I did as I was told and sat down next to Midoriya. Soon enough, it was time to start eating. As soon as I had my first bite, my eyes widened.

"Is it good?" The green haired boy asks, seeing my reaction. I nod my head as fast as I can before stuffing my face. The speed I was eating at could rival Sasha's. Now that's no easy feat. I smiled at my memories of the girl. Me and her were so incredibly close. The first thing we bonded over was food. Pretty funny to think back on.

"Uh...Ackerman? Perhaps you should slow down."

I sighed but listened to Iida's advice. I didn't really want to choke to death.

"Sorry...haha... I'm not really used to this kind of food."

"Really? What'd you normally eat?" The boy beside me asked while pulling out a notebook and pen.

"Uhh...while training we normally had soup, bread and potatoes. The bread was normally quite stale and the soup was slightly too runny."

They seemed to realise why I found their food so good as soon as I explained.

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