The Death of Jazz part 2

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Me: If you guys cry, it's Batman's fault.

Batman: I didn't do it because I'm Batman!

Nightmare: Still your fault, Bruce.

Batman: 😱 How did you know?!

Nightmare: Darling, I'm Nightmare, YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! I know all! 😈😎

Me: ............... Onto the story!

Springtrap's P.O.V

I snuck past Y/N as she left her defenceless sister alone with Nightmare. I listened for Nightmare's footsteps. She was upstairs. Her footsteps were loud and aggressive which told me that the monster was not afraid to fight. I heard Jazz's voice from the kitchen. Jazz was talking with one of her freaky companions. Most likely that Angie girl.

I looked out for Nightmare as I changed into my human form. I flexed my fingers as soon as I was in my beautiful form. I flexed my muscles. I put on my grin. I made sure I was wearing extra underwear (A/N: Do I gotta explain or are we good?) and slipped into the kitchen. She sat near the stove her phone on speaker. Before I could walk up to her, I was picked up by the scruff of my neck. I turned my head and saw Nightmare.

I grinned nervously, "Hey Doll, mind dropping me?"

Nightmare grinned back, looking like a sexy evil chick, "Gladly coward. Jazz?" Jazz turned around, Nightmare continued, "I'm gonna throw the trash out. Want a drink from that new cafe?"

Jazz's cold, yet weak, gaze slid over me, "How'd he sneak in Nights?"

Nightmare shrugged, "I dunno. Probably got in because of Y/N. It's obvious why he came though."

I growled, "I'm right here y'know."

Nightmare whacked me upside the head, "Keep your mouth shut."

Jazz said, "Take care of the trash please Nights. And no thanks to the drink."

Nightmare shrugged and carried me all the way to a dump yard, tied me up, and threw me into a metal crushing machine. I saw the cars being crushed and grinned. Taking out my switchblade from my back pocket, I cut through the rope. Grinning as I barely escaped Death, I returned to Jazz's house and this time Nightmare had not returned. Slipping through a window, I saw Jazz asleep in that wheelchair.

I snuck up behind the sleeping beauty and whispered, "Goodbye sweetheart. Sweet Death. Tell him I said Hi."

Just as I was about to kill Jazz, I was stopped by Y/N. She had my hands behind my back and had thrown my blade away. Y/N's (e/c) eyes were filled with hate and disgust. Y/N hissed, "No one touches my sister!"

I grinned nervously, "Hi there... Mind letting me go?"

Y/N grinned just like (Name) and said in her sweet voice, "No. How would you like to hear the sound of you dying?"

I shook my head, "No thank you!"

Y/N said, "Too bad." And with that Y/N tossed me to Nightmare who sliced off my arms and legs and laughed while doing so. I lay on the ground the last thing I saw were those kid's ghosts. They got in my face and whispered, "For what you did to us, you are spending eternity watching all of the deaths that you committed and Nightmare's gonna watch you suffer."

With that the brats disappeared and the last thing I saw was Nightmare's blade and pain and then nothing.

Your P.O.V

You hugged Jazz who was starting to slowly close her eyes. Jazz grabbed your hand and whispered, "Take care of yourself, live life, find a nice guy somewhere, keep Nightmare and (Name) by your side," Jazz turned to the two monsters, "watch Y/N." Jazz looked up to the ceiling her eyes nearly shut and a tear rolled down her face as she closed her eyes and stopped breathing forever. You started sobbing and crying, hugging your dead sister. (Name) hugged you and she cried with you. Nightmare was silent. You pulled Nights into the bug which made the monster break down and cry as well. You mourned your sister that night.

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