Thanksgiving 2022 day two feature one:What if Miiveres come back?

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Now if Millveres is to come back with thing are questionable ownership of all unknown social media apps nowadays what what have to stand out?

Well I may have a few ideas in mind some they have with the original with some new layers to mix things up?

Other than Netflix Hulu and Crunchyroll back then I would say add group types like say toys since they're been a lot of My Little Pony friendship is Magic fans back then with other fandoms like Steven Universe at the time So Many Memories Back Then what could be added to the mix?

Well watch parties so we can commentate with friends on a movie TV or comic and so on Hmm streaming service on the Miiveres with Virtual Console Marketplace that seems to be a good idea.

As for the rest will maybe which could work in the long run be able to post game build a garage stuff as well as Super Mario maker two things.

What do you think?

Tell me in the comments on what the new Miiveres should add.

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