Archive note C one: company that don't know nor care what they are doing

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Now where to begin on companies that don't seem to pay attention or care at all.

Example one:OCP (Omni consumer products)

OCP have so many accounts of gross negligence and in most cases news for tri the head of ocp who they call you old man decides to build what he calls Delta City but there is lack of attention when ocp but the cops for one thing does any of taking Detroit private at Clairol why didn't the Michigan Government do anything about it but things get worse when one of their own employees who put up brain of the dangerous nuke drug cult leader into a killing machine dust resulting to have a fall person to go down with ocp when the rehab cross the line by hiring games.

I don't know what ocp will be like in Robocop Rogue City but they need to be watched.

Example two: conglomo is indeed one of those heartless companies that's all there is back then they own O-town and they don't care for anything.

Example three: Cognito while they are someone you should keep an eye on when they run the world conspiracy like business I don't care if they are evil or not with client and means that could be dangerous.

Example four:The Black hat organization

I know they seem to be supplying weapons for villains and go after Heroes that deserve it but I keep an eye on them if they cross the line but what doctor flog rise to make could be way too dangerous to be in anyone's hands.

Example five:Hinobi

I know I sound like a broken record on this with the cover-ups on their cutting Corners that led to whatever pops out of the screen and reset the memories of those that thing was not normal the three keys to this conspiracy is the Cottages that feel left with all the self the reason why Five's is dad is behind bars and all Miko's immunity of resets.

The the last thing I have conspiracy boards on and even I know they don't count as an art form.

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