thirty- nine

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i quickly shut off my phone as i hear someone else come into the locker room. i exit the change room and see a very attractive, tall, brunette male standing at a locker beside mine. he looks over to me and smiles.

"hey- sorry i didn't realise someone else was in here." he says, turning back to his locker. woah his side profile. he has a chef hat on, so i'm guessing he's one of the chefs.

"no, my bad, sorry, i was just heading out." i apologise, going to grab my bag.

"have a nice night sweetheart." he smiles, looking back at me. i nod as a goodbye, saying a quick 'you too' before trying to casually head out the door. i internally freak out and exit the restaurant. i do a small run to my car and get in. i quietly squeal.

he called me SWEETHEART. THAT'S SO FUCKING HOT. oh my god. i didn't get his name OR number. it's fine, i'll probably see him around. i start the car and drive home, needless to say, i couldn't wipe the smile of my face the WHOLE ride home. once i get home, i see a few more messages from clay, the last one being out of pocket.

-clay pov-

i try to spam alex and she finally answers with a smart ass comment, then stops replying so i tell her i hate her. IMMEDIATLY regretting it. i stare at my phone and see it read 'seen'.

"fuck." i say. "what the fuck is wrong with you oh my fucking god you twat."

"clay shut up oh my god." drista says, putting away the groceries she dumbed on the ground yesterday.

"i just said i hate you to alex." i say, burying my face in my hands.

"out of hand dude." drista say, shutting the door of the fridge.


"fix it." she shrugs.

"i dunno how." i groan.

"did you apologise?"

"oops." i say, picking up my phone and spamming apologies, left on delivered.

"fucking idiot."


guyyyyssssssssss uhmmmmmmmm shoooorrrrtttt chapptterrr because like idk
i wanna get this story over and done with guys IM SORRY 😭😭😭 like i want it to end but i dont and i cant decide if i want a happy ending or not like should she get with the hot chef and leave clay or should she try and go with clay and he cheats or should her and clay get together and live happily ever after like IDK

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