forty- three

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"alex.." clay says. "did i make you feel like you were putting pressure on us?"

"i just had a past of it and came to a realisation, but no, you didn't." i say, not wanting him to feel like it's his fault, because it's not.

"alex i love you so much don't do this." clay pleads for the thousandth time. i stay silent, holding back tears. i feel his eyes piercing into me. i look back over to him and meet his eyes.

a tear drops from my eye, and i can tell clay wants to give me the biggest hug right now, but not wanting to put me in an awkward spot. so i do it for him.

i move over to him and he instantly wraps him arms around me.

"promise you will stay." clay says.

"i don't make promises." i smile into his chest.


"fine i promise." i say, feeling something that i haven't felt in ages. safeness. home.

"well, nick misses you." clay laughs, implying on me coming over to his house. i laugh and shake my head.

"are you saying that so i'll come over to your house or does nick actually miss me?"

"bit of both." he says as i sit up.

"well we both have our cars here so i'll just follow you to your house." i say, feeling my pockets for my keys, them not there.

"yeah, you start driving, i think i left my keys inside." i say. he nods and walks to his car. i turn around to the entrance and see matt standing there.

i mean, he has no place to say anything after witnessing that, it's not like i'm anything to him. he smiles as i push past him.

i walk inside and back to my locker. i open my locker and don't find them in there. i search the whole room and change rooms, unable to find them.

"looking for these?" i hear matt behind me. i turn around and see him dangling them in his fingers. i smile and try to take them.

"uhm, can i have them?" i ask, him moving them high up where i can't reach them.

"give me a kiss for it." he says, getting distracted and subconsciously bringing his hand down. i snatch them and with a wink, i say,

"maybe another time."


now what lmao uhhhhh
so yeah
that bitch i was talking abt apparently said i was a good friend and she wants to be friends again. like she didnt say that to me but she said it to another girl. LIKE BITCH U THOUGHT. FUCK NO U FUCKING HUMILIATED ME FOR ATTENTION, U MADE ME THINK I HATED PEOPLE WHO R ACTUALLY THE NICEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET AND U DARE TO CALL ME THE MANIPULATER
bitch no i hate u ur a pick me u flirt with guys even tho u have a bf

anyways hey guys how u doin

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