forty- one

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"oh- hey matt." i smile, walking over to my locker, grabbing out my work shoes and clothes.

"how are you today?" he asks, looking over at me, although i don't look over to him yet.

"i'm alright, what about you?" i ask, as it is polite to ask the asker. (a/n- gorl i dont even know)

"i'm ok, but it's a work day you know."

"it's like that sometimes." i laugh, walking into the change room, pulling the curtain shut and he leaves to go to the kitchen. we just have little run ins like that but it makes my day.

i turn to the mirror to straighten out my clothes but see a massive blush on my face. i shake my head and walk out.

"where would you like me to start?" i ask my manager, purely because i have just started an don't know what tables need to have their orders taken.

"table 17." he says. i nod, grab my notepad and walk over to number 17. it didn't take me long to realise that sitting right on table 17 was clay. of COURSE it was clay. sitting with drista. drista spots me first but doesn't say anything.

clay notices drista is looking at something, which is me, so he looks over, seeing me. he looks a bit shocked.

"ready to order?" i ask, wanting to just do my job and move on.

"cut the crap, what the fuck alex."

"your order." i say, "otherwise you will be wasting my time."

"can we talk?" clay asks, not breaking eye contact.

"if it's about what you want to eat or drink, then sure."

"for fuck sake, seriously, what time do you finish." he asks.

"that's not on our menu."

"that's not an answer." he shoots back, not taking my answer.

"fine, 7 pm"

"so like 3 hours? cool, i'll be out the front, i want a burger."

"drista?" i ask whilst writing down clay's order.

"just water."

"what the fuck, no she will have chips." clay says. i nod and walk off. what the fuck.


hehehe sos for no update like srsly this book is getting oldddddddddd

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