Chapter 22: A suicidal mission

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"Author's note: I apologize for taking a break without notifying you in advance for the publication of the chapters. I know that some enjoy the chapters and may have worried about my absence. I'm fine now and I think I have more time to post each month. I thank you for your patience. "


After our little escapade two days ago, we had entered our temple without anyone noticing our absence.

However, I did not forget our agreement that we had made. Although Kawaita and Jakuten were slightly injured, I forced them to train with me for three nights, as promised.

They were exhausted. However, they were still on their feet trying to attack me from all angles.

During the day, we trained and learned with our respective masters. In the evening, we practiced hand-to-hand combat so that I am fully prepared for my duel against Hisan.

We don't really have time to rest. Besides, Jakuten was sleeping more and more during classes. His sensei doesn't hesitate to punish him physically for that.

Nevertheless, they will be able to fully rest after tomorrow since we are at the second night. For my part, I will continue my training alone. I can endure my tiredness from my lost nights.

I can even say that I am used to it, unlike Kawaita and Jakuten, who didn't really give their all in their attacks.

I tolerate their ineptitude, but I admit that it bothers me that I can't fight to my full potential, if these two aren't.

Maybe I'm asking a little too much of them?

This agreement to train, under the pretext of recovering the time I lost by going out with them, was only meant to hide my strange impulses, that I will not reveal to anyone... Indeed, it's because of these impulses and my fear that they might see them, that I accepted this unfortunate request, shame on me.

No matter what, I really want to push my limits with each exercise. I want to expend my energy and work my body every second. I want to be ready when I fight Hisan, my half-sister.

After seeing all her fights in the tournament, I know what she's capable of. She has no mercy for her enemies. Her emphatic side is non-existent and it's not because we are sisters, that I will have nice treatment, quite the opposite.

She is a very serious person, and she's not the type to drag out her fights, by morally or physically torturing her enemies for fun. She gets straight to the point by killing them as quickly as possible.

I'm a little stressed and at the same time, I'm slightly excited for this good duel that awaits me.

Although, I don't think she feels the same joy as I do...

Although she was often inexpressive, I could feel her hatred towards me. Kawaita was right. She resents me on some level.

I don't mind. If her anger would allow me to have a good fight as I like, she can hate me all she wants. I just want to get stronger to endure her blows, which are far from gentle.

But to be honest, it's not because of my fight against my half-sister that I'm trying so hard...

"Do you really think I want to arrest you Fubuki?"


This bastard irritates me so much that the only thing I can do, to stop rehashing everything that has happened in a loop, is to lash out physically.

But despite that, I can't get over the frustration I felt. I felt inferior to this worthless bum. Worse still, something inside me tells me that he didn't use all his strength to try to catch me.

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