Chapter 15

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Hey guys!

I am not sure if any of you are waiting for any updates right now. If you are then I am extremely sorry for the delay.

I have an announcement to make. This might bother you and I am sorry for that. Actually I am going underground till the 18th of June. My exams are going on in full swing till the 8th of June, my job have also required me to go on a extra course which is also on my mind and then I am going on a short trip.

So my updates are going to be on hold until the 18th of June, I am so sorry guys for the inconvenience. But I promise to give you regular and many updates when back.

I hope you will be there with me when I am back and I am really sorry <3 please don't have any grudges with me :( <3

P.S. I will try to update before my short trip so I will do my best to update the 9th of June! But I won't promise anything so please don't be mad if you don't find any update.

Love you all so much for reading, voting and commenting! You are the best! <3

On a lighter note. This chapter is dedicated to v_sunshine17 as the last part of this chapter is her idea, I can't spoil the chapter so you'll just have to stick with reading it to the end to know ;) Thanks for reading :D


When you try to destroy someone else's peace of mind and wellbeing, you're actually carving the path to your own destruction.



In the mirror a beautiful girl with a golden dress is staring back at Sia. Her hair falls behind her in silky big curls and she look amazing in her engagement attire.

Sia inhales a deep breath and looks at the parcel in front of her, which Sahir had thrown on her bed before leaving yesterday. The girls had inquired about Sahirs abrupt exit and Sia had made the excuse that he had forgotten an important file in his office.

She had placed the parcel beside the box Sahir sent with the wedding attires, everything was untouched and unseen. Sia is ready and the girls and the rest of the family are now working on their appearance. Eyeing the parcel warily, she takes it into her shaky hands.

Sahir had insisted that he would chose the jewelries, and so he did. Opening the box she get stunned by the beauty of the set. The set consist of a diamond studded necklace, bracelet and earrings, all in gold. She softly caresses the heavy but elegant design, there's a note attached in the box.

You don't need this to look beautiful but this needs you to bring out its beauty, hope to see you adorn it.

P.S. I am sorry for before.

A water drop falls on Sias hand and she looks into the mirror to face herself with tears in her eyes. She gives out a humorless chuckle, she must be the first girl crying on her engagement day.

A knock on the door makes her quickly wipe away her tears. "Come in!" She calls.

The door opens behind her. "Sia are you done? Sahir is here to take you." Sanaya inquires and one look at Sia makes her realize that Sia has been crying. "What's wrong babe?" She asks and goes to stand behind her best friend with her hands on her shoulders.

Funny how positions changes with time, Sia smiles. "Nothing dear." She says assuringly.

Sanaya looks at the set in Sias hand. "Wow!" She exclaims and gently takes it away from her. "This is beautiful and such a sweet message! No wonder you're crying!" Sanaya muses and a small smile slips from Sias mouth.

His Revenge, Her Wings #MissionDesi (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now