Chapter 19

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Hello beautiful!

So here is another chapter and I hope you like it. It is not proof read though :/ I tried to have a bit more of Sahirs thoughts in the beginning of the chapter. The thing is that I will be putting more of Sahirs thoughts in the future when some of his past will open up a bit more. For now it is easier to focus on the present.

Hope you guys like it this way also, and as always you can request things and I'll be trying my best to fulfill them <3

By the way, I have started to work so for two whole weeks I am working every single day. That's why you'll only get one update per week but they're kind of lengthy so hope it will compensate for that <3

Afterwards when my real vacation starts then I'll try my best to update more frequently.

Love you guys for your amazing support! <3 I wish you guys the best in life <3

P.S. Take a look at the amazing cover made by afglovers96 ;) <3 She is amazing, thank you so much dear! :* <3 She is not just good with covers but also with words, you might want to check out her story ;) <3

Shona <3


The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. There are no secrets that time does not reveal.

St. Jerome and Jean Racine


Sahir is pacing back and forth in his study. Why can't Sia just let that one event go? He doesn't want to speak about that particular topic because that brings back wounds of his childhood. Can't she just trust him on the fact that he has nothing to do with the destruction of Sameer Jays factory? Does he really need to verbalize everything? Can't she see that the only reason Sameer Jay wants to drag him to court is because he is trying to ruin the reputation of his?

Sahir sits down on his black chair and leans back with a sigh. Messaging his temples he inhales sharp breaths. Yes, he might have been harsh on leaving Sia while she was crying but he couldn't see her cry and neither could he tell her about his past. He isn't ready for that and might never be. Pictures of Sias tear stricken face flashes thorough his mind and makes him cringe.

He decides to occupy himself in work in an attempt to subside his feeling of guilt, not to mention to distract his mind from a certain someone.

When he has succeeded in working past midnight he rubs his eyes tiredly, his subconscious mind hasn't left Sia for even a moment. Her radiant smile is always etched in the back of his mind. Deciding to walk back into his room he is surprised to see Sia awake on the bed reading a book. Pride and prejudice is written across the frame. Sias attention shifts to Sahir who is staring at her with a distant gaze.

Sia offers him a soft uncertain smile and Sahir turns around ignoring it. "I am sorry." She quickly says and sits straight up on the bed with a drumming heart.

Sahir believes that his ears are playing games with him and he takes another step away from her. "Sahir please." She says with a bruised ego and this time he halts. "I am sorry for pushing you. Whatever you are hiding is your secret to share and you're allowed to keep it with you as long as you like." She has been thinking and came to the conclusion that pushing him to tell her about something he doesn't want to talk about will lead to grudges.

This marriage is already different, rocky to be more precise, and pushing it will only lead to more arguments and problems which will eventually lead to more heartache. She has promised to act civil with him and so shall she do.

His Revenge, Her Wings #MissionDesi (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now