E Pluribus Unum

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Y/N's POV~

We all stand up from our seats walking up to Will watching as the lights flicker frantically and a low frequency buzz fills the air.

A look of fear flashes over Will's face as he reaches to touch the back of his neck. "He's here." He says letting out a shaky breath.

Eleven let's out a deep breath and looks around, the four of us look at each other before sneaking one by one past the desk clerk and towards the stair well. As we make our way up the stairs the sound of snarling and screaming reaches our ears. We exit the stairwell onto a floor which looks like it's currently under construction.

Running down the hall towards a distraught Jonathan who's banging against a door trying to get it up El pushes him back before using her powers to slam the door open, revealing a gigantic flesh like monster looming over Nancy who is pinned onto the floor.

The creature turns around and lets out a deafening shriek when it sees us. "Jesus." Mike says in disbelief.

"What the fuck.." Max whispers, once again being cut off by a deafening shriek. The creature roars and charges straight at Eleven who screams and throws it against the wall with her powers before repeating the action and slamming it into the other wall across the room.

Then throws it against the ceiling and the floor before yelling again and throwing it out of the window. "Go!" We yell, running down the hall and Jonathon runs into the room to help Nancy.

We quickly run down the stairs and outside to see where the creature landed in hopes to not let it go away. Eleven stops us once we're outside, the lights and the emergency sign flickering rapidly, the creature melting and seeping down into the sewer drain leaving nothing behind but a trail of sludge and bone.

"What the hell.." I groan closing my eyes and turning my face into Maxes shoulder.

~Time Skip~

We're currently sitting in El's and Hopper's cabin while Eleven is in her room searching for anywhere that the flayed could be hiding out so that we can find and stop them before it's too late.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long." Mike states pacing back and forth in-front of her door.

"Mike, you need to relax." Max says looking up from her lap to the boy who's pacing.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike asks, obviously thinking way to far into it.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas asks before shoving more cereal into his mouth.

"No, it's not. He made it up." I say shaking my head at their ridiculous behavior.

"Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about." Max cuts in.

"Oh, and you do?" He scoffs looking at her.

"No, I..." She starts but Nancy cuts off her off finally getting through on the phone.

"Yes, from The Hawkins Post. I- I called a couple days ago about the-" She stops for a second, a man speaking in the other end of the phone. "Yes, yes, um... I was just... following up to see if anything else had gone missing, or if- okay. Um, sorry to bother- you." She sighs the phone being hung up from the other end.

I walk over taking a seat next to will joining the three since Max and Mike won't stop arguing with each other. "Who's next?" I ask looking at the book with the older girl.

"There is no next." Jonathan states crossing off another place. "Unless you want to start calling random people's homes."

"It doesn't make sense." She says dropping the book.

I miss my lover~ Max Mayfield X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now