lazy day-dd

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Harlem New York🏡

I was sleeping and I woke up and checked my phone it was like six o clock in the fucking morning

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I was sleeping and I woke up and checked my phone it was like six o clock in the fucking morning.

I had to piss so I tried to get up, keyword TRIED and I felt a arm pull me back down and I'm like who tf.

Then I turnt around and saw dd knocked out, I forgot he spent the night at my house. "dd let me up I gotta pee" "mm no stay" "you wanna clean my piss up?"

After I  said that he let go of me, I  peed , wiped my ass like some of you don't know how to do, then washed my hands and brushed my teeth cause i have bad morning breath.

I went back in the room to see dd on his phone on live. "wassup mh" dd said to his live" I walked over to the bed and layed back down and put my head on dd's shoulder.

"hi mh's" I said to his live and a lot of people started spamming the chat with * heyy Aniyah* or *girl get off my man* " you can have him" I said.

Then dd gave me a side eye "yo stop playin wit me fr "I laughed cause of the way he looked at me " I'm off this bye".

After he ended the live he started kissing my lips on my face and put his hand in between my thighs.

I moved his hand and he tried to put his hand back where it was and said "stop moving my hand" " then stop touching me nigga" " can we cuddle" he asked "yes we can" I said happily cause we rarely cuddle .

He put his head on my chest and I put on a movie which was the first final destination.

Like 25 minutes into the movie I heard snoring so I kissed his forehead and turnt the tv down a little bit and went to sleep also.

353 words

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