dd - clothing haul pt2

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Harlem, New York 📍

Melanie POV

"Hey y'all since you guys loved my last clothing haul video with dd I'm gonna do another one.

I said to the camera. "dd are you excited about this one?" I asked him. " no because you be trying a nigga and be wearing scandalous clothing," he said to me "why are you lying no I don't".

I said to him making a straight face"alright bro come on with the first outfit "I went to the bathroom while dd was talking to the camera " are you almost done?"

He shouted from across the room "yea I'm done" I walked out the room and this was what I was wearing

"bye wtf are you wearing," he said to me making a face

"what do you mean what am I wearing, I'm wearing cloth-"I said before he cut me off "girl those shoes are ugly as hell damn bubble crocs".

He said to me making me sad "no these shoes are not ugly dd stop being a hater, "I said back to him

"ok bro just goes try the next clothes" I'm only trying on three. I walked into the bathroom putting my clothes back on.

" OH WAIT DD YOU HAVE TO RATE THE OUTFIT!" I shouted forgetting about the camera in the room " girl that shit deserves a -0/10" he said to me. bro he's so sassy ( like damn she in ha mood).

I walked out of the bathroom

" alright alright this one is better than the last one," he said to me " dd there's no need to compare there both great, "I said to him

He made this face at me " bro dd why are you so sassy" I said laughing so hard I couldn't breathe "stop calling me sassy" he said mad " then stop being sassy".

"Anyway rate this outfit" I give it a 9/10 " why not a 10/10 "because what the hell shorts are those you coulda wore some jeans or sum " he said to me having an attitude "stop complaining"

I walked out getting ready to change into my next outfit. this is the outfit.

"Do you like this one?" I said to him " yea I fuck with this one" " yay! What's your rate?" "I give it a solid 10/10," he said to me" I was happy 'cause this is the first 10 I got. "alright guys that's it for the video I'm not making any more parts this is the last one, but please leave a like, comment, and don't forget to subscribe! bye see you in my next video don't forget to give me more ideas to do"

446 words

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