Chapter 11

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Harry's POV:

"Hawwie, ake up!" I felt a small weight on my back, like someone was sitting on me which, in fact, there was someone. Now that I realize it, he's to skinny for his age, I hope to one day shut down that horrible orphanage, they actually never fed this amazing child, no wonder he eats a lot when me and Zayn feed him. I open my eyes and try to look at Matt, "Morning buddy," I said in a small whisper. "Did you sleep fine?" I asked turning slowly while I make sure he doesn't fall off the bed. "Yes, Hawwie. Umm..." I looked at him to see what was wrong and I realized that he needed to go to the restroom. I get up carefully not to wake sleeping beauty which can be useless since he can sleep through the loudest thing in this world.

I pick up Matt and carried him to the bathroom, I waited outside for awhile, wondering if they potty trained him since that horrible place was so cruel to my baby. It's sad actually, that they treated him like that. I actually wonder if he has anyone else in his life, like what happened to his parents, does he have any siblings. I heard the toilet flush signaling that Matt had finished using the bathroom. I walked in and picked him up, bringing him close to the sink so he can wash his hands. "Are you tired or do you want some food?"

I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway outside the room, it looked like Mathew was thinking hard. "Nappy Hawwie." Guess he wants to sleep than.

I opened the door to the room and walked in, I set Matt in the middle of the bed and I laid down on my usual spot. I grabbed Matt by the waist and brought him close to me so I can be able to cuddle him. He snuggled back into my chest and let out a small cute yawn. Then I let one out and after that I had fallen asleep.

3 Hours Later

After that nice nap, I checked the time and saw that it was noon, I got up and realized that Zayn and Matt weren't in the room. I walked out and I heard soft music from the room that's supposed to be Matt's, I walked in and saw that Zayn and Matt were moving things around. Matt turned around and looked at me, smiled big and ran over to where I was standing, hugged my legs and I picked him up. "Hi, Hawwie."

"Hey buddy, did you sleep well?" I asked while I set him down and watched him run over to a small box. He picked it up and carried it to one of the corners that was filled with boxes. "I sleep well." He had finally answered. Smiling I looked over at Zayn while he was sitting down, probably taking a break from moving the heaving stuff.

"Zen, get up. Work time!" Matt yelled and ran over to where he was and grabbed is hand, making sure to use all his strength to get him up. "Yeah Zayn, time to work." I said in a teasing voice.

"Well come and help us, babe." He said while putting some of the stuff in a box and then carrying it to the corner. I shook my head NO when he saw me and was about to complain. "I'm was just teasing Zayn, of course I'm going to help."

I walked to a pile of garbage bags and opened to see what it had in there. It's looked like it was just junk, I picked it up and put it out in the hallway. I walked back in and then walked out to make something to drink for my boys. I decided to make some lemonade. Then, I grabbed 2 glasses and a sippy cup and put 2 ices cubes in each one.

I grabbed a tray for the lemonade and cups and carried the to the room. I filled them up and handed one to each of my boys. I grabbed one for me and filled it up with some lemonade. We than sat down on the floor and started to enjoy the delicious lemonade.

Anonymous POV:

"We have to find him, you know what that means, we are running away from this crappy Foster home and find our little brother." I looked at my sister while she was packing all her stuff. Today is the day of out 14th birthday and we are running away and in search of our little brother.

"Thank god, I'm ready to leave this place. They separated us from our brother and now we don't know where he is." She said, while she kept on packing her stuff, when we both were done, we snuck out the window and started to run. When we caught sight of the bus station, we took one to London.

Time to get our little brother back.


OMG!! First off, sorry for the wait. Second, I've been on summer break for over 3-4 weeks. Third of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE READS. LOVE YOU GUYS.

So now enjoy and I'll enjoys summer. But I will keep writing. And I've been writing my other story and I will be updating that soon not just yet but when I'm done writing it.

Umm, comment do you like it or nah? Also vote.

Peace everyone, love everyone who reads this.

Also, shout out to my new characters in the story impalaalpacasissy & hauntmestyles love y'all. Thanks for the support and hope you enjoy the rest of the story when it comes.

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