Chapter 4

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Harry's POV:

When we had finished eating, I grabbed all of our dirty dishes and started to wash them while Zayn took Mathew to clean up since he had made quite a mess. I guess he's adjusting really well here, I'm just happy we took him out of there with that rude ass lady. I can't believe she had said something like that it still angered me, but I soon chose to ignore it and be happy that Mathew was out of there and here with me and Zayn. I smiled when I finished the last plate and walked to the living room to see Zayn and Mathew playing with the cars Zayn had gotten for him. But I also noticed that Mathew was wearing some basketball shorts and a tank top for kids. I chuckled lightly while going over to the couch.

Sitting down and grabbing my phone when it rang, I answered it with a small smile when I saw that it was Niall. "Hey Ni. What's up?" I said when I had accepted the call. "Hey Haz. Nothing much, me and Liam got into an argument. Again" He whispered quietly which I couldn't hear him that well but I had still caught on what he said.

"What about this time Niall? What happened?" I sighed while going over to grab the Lego that Mathew handed me. "Umm, well... It's kinda stupid now that I think about it..." he mumbled.

"Just answer my question, Horan?"

"Damn don't give me attitude mister. But we started to argue because the dog had peed on my favorite sweater and I snapped at Liam for not taking him outside to use the restroom." Wow, that was something, it's wasn't even a big deal. I rolled my eyes before laughing lightly. "Really Niall? You can do better than that. You know the dog whines when he needs to go pee. I even know that."

"But it was the third time that dog did it, it set me off and I feel bad because I just left the house without another word." Niall said sad, I can hear it in his voice. "Oh Nialler, get your Irish bum back to Liam and apologize." I said while trying not to laugh when Zayn accidentally knocked down a Lego tower he made with Matt, which consisted on him getting mad at Zayn.

"Your right. Like always. Ugh I hate it when you are." Niall groaned through the phone. I mumbled a 'yeah I'm always am' and then hung up. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was almost midnight. "C'mon Matt time for bed. Want to see the bed Zayn got for you? Its in mine and Zayn's room. Your gonna like it?" I asked him while getting up and picking Mathew leaving Zayn to pick up the mess of toys.

Mathew yawned while resting his head on my shoulder while walking up the stairs, I felt him nod and watched as his eyes closed. I cooed at him while setting him on the bed that's besides mine and Zayn. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead and turned the light off and turning the lamp on. I stripped out my clothes leaving myself in my boxers. Waiting for Zayn, after 5 minutes later he had finally made it to the room and stripped out of his clothes as well leaving himself in his boxer, after settling into his arms I kissed his lips softly, smiling when he responded back. As cheesy as it sounds I still get butterflies in my stomach every time we kiss. I pulled back and laid my head on his chest. "We just started a family today and I'm happy that it's you that I get to have one. I love you Zayn." I mumbled while looking up to see him smiling down at me. "I'm glad I get to spend it with you too baby. I love you so much and nothing will change that. Goodnight my love." I whispered a goodnight before closing my eyes and falling asleep with a small smile on my face.

My family is starting to form and I couldn't be any happier. I'm happily married to a wonderful man and we just got a cute little boy. My life has been great ever since I met Zayn. And nothing can change that not one thing.


Hello. I feel like this is early. But I don't care. I just want to keep writing. I have a lot on my mind for this story. There's gonna be new people in the future and some drama. There isn't a good book with at least a good drama right. Well that's what I think. Anyway in the future there's gonna be more people added on here but it'll be a surprise. Goodnight my lovelies it's bed time for me. Thank you so much for all the reads. I never thought that this book would have more than 200 reads. It's so unbelievable. Please recommend other readers this book I want to get to 300 reads so I can start the next chapter. Ok enough with the rambling. I'm going to sleep. Next chapter will be up on my baby's birthday Harry Styles. Night my lovelies.

Comment on what you think. I care about your opinion.

Dedication goes to my only commenter bethanloverxox thank you for commenting on this book it means a lot knowing I can at least make it good. Your wonderful.

Chapter kinda short sorry. But enjoy it. 👌👌

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