Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV:

Waking up the next morning around 11 am, before Harry did. I was planning on making a call to the orphanage and see if we're allowed to go and set a time to visit. Escaping Harry's grip I grabbed some sweatpants and a white shirt, I walked out quietly making sure not to wake Harry up.

I grabbed my phone and started to look up some orphanages close by. I looked it up and 'Future For Children' came up so I grabbed the phone number and dialed it.

"Hello and welcome to Future For Children. How may I help you?" Said a female voice through the phone.

"Yes, my name is Zayn Malik-Styles, and I would like to come down and take a look at the kids. Me and my husband were thinking of adopting." I spoke through phone. I heard some kids, I assume yelling in the background. "Darren leave Mathew alone! Yes you and your husband can come at whatever time you want." She hung up after I thanked her and said our goodbye.

Walking back into the room to see Harry still asleep. I walked to the dresser and pulled out some boxer and grabbed my towel, then headed towards the bathroom for a shower.

30 minutes later

After finishing my shower I got out and walked to the bedroom with only boxers on. When I got in I saw Harry making the bed with his back to me. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped a little and turned around in my arms. "Morning sleepyhead." I whispered before kissing his lips softly.

"Morning baby. Why didn't you wake me up?" I let go of him so he can finish making the bed while I went to our closet to get some black skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. "You looked peaceful and I didn't want to bother you. Go get ready while I make breakfast. We're going to the orphanage down the street to check it out." I pulled on my pants and then put my shirt on. I turned around to see Harry getting a towel and some boxer from the drawer.

Harry's POV

I grabbed some clothes while looking at Zayn. "Ok, what time are we going?" I asked while heading into the bathroom to brush my teeth then setting the water temperature before stepping in. "In about 1 or 2 hours if that's fine with you."

"Yeah that's fine. Be done in a bit." I grabbed my body wash before scrubbing myself. Then I grabbed the shampoo after rinsing my hair, moving on to my conditioner after rinsing the shampoo off.

After finishing my shower I dried off and put my boxers on. I walked to mine and Zayn's room and grabbed some clothes.

After changing I walked into the kitchen with the wonderful smell of pancakes. "Hmm, smells good babe." I said after going to my seat while he placed a plate in front of me. "What do you want to drink?" He asked while opening the fridge to get something to drink out. "Some orange juice, please." I asked while digging into the delicious pancakes he made.

He handed me my cup of juice while he only had water. We ate our food in comfortable silence. With only small talk going on.

When we both finished, I grabbed his plate and cup. Washed them and went out to go get my jacket on. When I arrived downstairs Zayn already was by the door. "Ready babe?" He asked. I nodded and went to the car on the passenger side and got in. He started the car and we drove to the orphanage.

"Why didn't we just walk it only took us 3 minutes to get here?" I asked looking at the orphanage that was literally a 5 minute walk. "We don't know if we're going take someone home today Haz. What if this kid has stuff to take with him? We would've needed a car for his or her stuff. Now let's go and see the kids." We both got out after he parked the car. We walked in to see kids running around, except for one little boy that's sitting in a corner crying and holding his blanket to his chest. Zayn and I walked to an older lady that's probably the owner of this place. "Good morning, my names Lindsey. How may I help you?" She asked nicely. "Hello. My names Zayn Malik-Styles and this is my husband Harry." I smiled at the lady and shook her hand. After that I tuned them out and turned to the crying little boy.

Mathew's POV:

I was sitting in the corner for making a mess in the kitchen. The mean lady told me to go to time out but not after she spanked me. I sat uncomfortably in the little stool. My bum hurt and I couldn't stop my tears. "Hey little buddy, what's wrong?" I looked up when I heard someone talking to me. There was a guy with curly hair and green eyes. He smiled at me and sat down in front. I backed away in fear that he would hurt me.

"I won't hurt you bud. I promise. Can you tell me your name?" He asked kindly. "M-Mathew." I stutter. Well I can only say a few words but not much. "Hmm, Mathew? I like your name buddy. Now why is a little handsome boy like you crying?" He asked me kindly. I smiled a little but then frowned afterwards. "I gwounded." I said while looking down at my blanket. "Aw, don't worry buddy you soon will be out of it OK? Now, Mathew my name is Harry?" He smiled at me and I took his hand to shake it, his was bigger than mine. "Hawwy." I smiled at him which made him smile even more. There were holes in his cheeks and I leaned forward and poked him. He laughed a little when another man came. I hid behind my blanket when they both started talking to each other.

"C'mon babe lets go look at the kids?" The other man asked Harry, while he stood up. "I think I wanna take this one Zaynie?" He said to the other man. Hm, the other guys name is Zaynie, weird. I looked up too see them both staring at me. Harry had a smile and Zaynie looked like he was thinking hard. "Are you sure Harry? There are other kids here?" Zaynie said to Harry. "Yes, I'm sure of it Zayn? Just look at him he's adorable?" They looked at me again and I waved at little to Zayn who waved and smiled at me. He then kneeled down, "Hey buddy, what's your name?" He asked. "M-Mathew." I said while looking at the floor. Then Lindsey came from around the corner, "Have you found a kid you'll like to take?" She asked them both. They nodded and pointed at me. Lindsey looked at me with anger and disgust. She never liked me anyways. Nobody likes me here. There all mean to me. "You sure you want him. We have better kids than this little trash?" She said harshly. I started crying again and I felt Harry hug me from the side.

Harry's POV:

I was holding little Mathew while he was crying on my chest. I looked up at the lady with hatred towards her. I can't believe she would say that to him. What kind of woman is she? "Don't call him that?" Zayn said now getting angry at the lady. "He isn't worth anything he's useless and a horrible kid we have better ones around. So why take him. He's nothing." The lady said. I was starting to get angry with her. I stood up and looked at her with disgust. "We will be taking him. And don't call him that, the one who's worthless here is you. You disgust me. Now can we have the paper work?" I said while looking down to see Mathew was covering his ears with his small hands and his eyes shut tight.

"Now can we file our paper work and leave this dump?" I asked her while she just scoffed and went to go get the paper work. I kneeled down in front on Mathew again. "Hey little buddy. Can you show me where your room is? We're taking you home with us." I smiled down at him. He nodded while getting up and walking to what I assume is his room. When we went in Mathew started to pack his stuff into a backpack he had gotten from the closet. I waited for him to finish packing and when he was, we both walked out and met Zayn at the front with the paper work. We got in the car and went home with a new family member.


Sorry for the really late update. Had a really fun Christmas and a boring New Years. But either way I had a good Christmas with my best friend. Well enjoy the chapter.

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