Chaptet 3

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Harry's POV:

Once we arrived home, I grabbed Mathew and brought him into the house. He had fallen asleep in the car during the short drive from the orphanage. Guess they never really let him sleep. "Put him in our room for now babe, we can figure out his room later." Zayn whispered softly while getting out of the car and walking up to the front door, me following him, he opened the door and let me go in first. I nodded and walked up to mine and Zayn's bedroom. I set Mathew down in the middle of the bed and tucked him in good. I smiled down at him, finally having an addition to our family. I walked out the door, leaving it only a bit open so we can know when he wakes or if he cries. I walked into the living room to see Zayn sitting down on the couch, flipping through the channels on the TV.

Walking up to him and I sat down on his lap, trying to get comfortable. "Should we get him a bed?" I asked him while resting my head on his shoulder and looking at the television. "Yeah, sounds like a good idea. We have that extra room which is full of junk. We can clean it out and make that his own room." I nodded while I felt him wrap his arms around my waist making me relax somemore. I closed my eyes and sighed happily with a big grin on my face. "Yeah but we should go and get one when he wakes up and set it in our room in the mean time." I suggested, I yawned while covering my mouth. "Tired baby?" Zayn asked, I nodded and felt him move around, then I felt him carryme to the bedroom and laid me down carefully next to Mathew.

He mumbled a quiet 'I love you' and closed the door quietly. I put my arm around Mathew and fell asleep instantly.

Zayn's POV

When I had laid Harry to sleep next to Mathew I walked out, but not without mumbling a quiet 'I love you'. I walked to the extra room we had and saw that there was a huge mess and it needed to be cleaned out.

Having an idea popping in my head, walked out of the room in the search for a piece of paper and pen then I started to write a note to Harry just in case he woke up.

'I will be back babe just going out to get some stuff for Mathew and also some dinner. I'll be cooking today, love you. Zxx'

I walked to the room quietly and set the note on the night stand. I walked out and turned around and smiled at my 2 boys. Glad to have another person in our lives.

Walking to the living room, I grabbed my shoes, tied them and grabbed my car keys, while walking out and locking the door. I walked to the car and started the engine, I backed out of the driveway and drove to the store.

'Time to get my little boy some toys, a new bed, anything that'll make him happy. It's time like these that make me really happy to have Harry in my life.' I thought you myself while I smiled big.

After arriving at the store I parked in an empty space and got out. I started heading to the beds and saw one that instantly caught my eye. I quickly found an employee that was around the corner and told them that I wanted the bed. "Would you like me to put it in the front of the store, so you don't have to drag it around, sir?" He asked while looking at me with a small smile. I smiled back and nodded, "Thank you it'll be easier for me." He walked away while I walked to the bed sheets and picked out one that was red with black stripes.

Walking to where the toys were, I started to fill it up with different kinds of toys for boys. (Like; Legos, Toy Cars, Toy Swords, Some Clay, etcetera). When I was done I walked to the front and payed for everything.

Once I had everything in the car I checked it was 7:30 pm. I was gone for 3 and a half hours now. Time to get dinner.

Driving to the grocery store I started to get a lot of food and also snacks for Mathew. Driving back home I opened the door to see Harry in the living room watching a movie with Mathew. "Hey babe." I walked up to him and kissed his lips softly. "Hi, what did you get for dinner?" He asked. I walked to the kitchen and started setting the groceries in there proper place. "Umm, I don't know, I just bought a lot of things. I also got snacks for Mathew." I yelled through the kitchen. I walked out when I was done and went to get the bed and toys for Mathew.

Putting the bed in our room, and the toys with Mathew so when he sees them he can play. I walked out to lock the car doors and walked back inside to see Mathew smiling big for his new toys. "Hey buddy do you like what I got you?" I asked him, he looked up at me and ran to me, hugged me tight. I hugged back and started to play with him.

After a while of playing I asked him if he was hungry he nodded and walked to the kitchen with me. I settled on just making spaghetti. After I was done and it was ready, I called Harry down for dinner since he said he was going to set up the bed. "Hawwy food." Mathew yelled when he didn't come down. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

Harry then soon came down and smiled at Mathew who was eating already. "I'm here now. Ok so what did Zayn make Matt?" Harry asked looking at him and smiling big. "Spageii" Mathew said while eating more and ignoring us after that. I laughed and started eating with my new formed family.


Here's that update I promised. Ok so I have another idea for a book but it'll be on hold till I finish this one.

This one will have 30 chapters and authors notes don't count and every update will take more than 1 week and less than 2 weeks. And will have some short chapter but I promise to make them long. I'm trying to beg my dad to put wifi at my house but he won't budge so I'm using my phone for now.

So I'll put the description of the other book it's called "Bed Of Lies" got the idea when listening to the song it's so amazing I love the song. Anyway I'll put it next week. And thanks for the reads it means a lot to me.

This book got inspiration when I was listening to 'My Everything' by Ariana Grande and my new book I got it from the song 'Bed Of Lies' by Nicki Minaj ft. Skyler Grey. But I'll be changing it and making it Zarry with a little bit of Nouis.

Ok so tell me what you think of this chapter and comment. Please.

PS I love that picture so much.

My Everything (Zarry FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now