Chapter 13

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Anonymous POV:

"We have to find him, you know what that means, we are running away from this crappy Foster home and find our little brother." I looked at my sister while she was packing all her stuff. Today is the day of our 14th birthday and we are running away and in search of our little brother.

"Thank god, I'm ready to leave this place. They separated us from our brother and now we don't know where he is." She said, while she kept on packing her stuff, when we both were done, we snuck out the window and started to run. When we caught sight of the bus station, we took one to London.

Time to get our little brother back.

As nighttime approaches, we wait till everyone in this crappy foster home goes to bed, yes, it is crappy. I am sick and tired of living in this place. The kids in here always bully us, and our foster parents don't look out for us they just let it happen, they sometimes don't feed us.

Oh, where are my manners, almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Michael Mendez and I have a twin sister named Sophia Mendez, we also have a baby brother his name is Matthew Mendez. We were separated once our parents passed away in a terrible car accident. We begged to be with Matthew but Child Protective Services had other plans, I'm just glad I got to stick with my twin.

Once 7 in the morning hit, we snuck out the window of our bedroom, making sure no one saw us. We were basically invisible here, no one paid much attention to us, only to pick on us. I know for a fact where the orphanage Matthew was at, wasn't too far from this shitty foster home, it was only an hour walk. The sun was barely coming out, we stopped at a little convenience store to get some snacks, yes, we do have money and it was earned for doing chores at home.

"Hey Mike, do you think he will still be there?" Sophia asked looking down at the ground as we ate some donuts and drank some water. "I hope so Sophia, they haven't told us about Matt since 5 months ago. And I just hope he's doing good, better then us." She looks up at me with sad eyes, I hold her hand. We have been walking for about 30 minutes now. I grab my iPod and look at the screenshot of the map, so we don't get lost, but it looks like we're getting close.

"Hey, what are you kids doing walking alone?" We look up to see a black car pull up, a tall guy with curly brown hair and green eyes gets out and walk towards us. I grab my sister and stand in front of her in protective mode. "I'm not going to hurt, I promise. My names Harry, see." He pulls his wallet out and shows me his ID, and he is who he says he is. But I don't say anything at all.

"We were going to the orphanage that 30 minutes away." Sophia says, peeking out and looking at the tall curly hair man. "Uh, well if you want I can take you guys. It's dangerous for you kids to be walking around anyway's. Get in." Sophia instantly smile and jumps in the car, I look at the man and hesitantly walk to the car and get in, maybe we shouldn't be doing this, but he doesn't seem the kind to kill us anyways or do anything bad to us. But I did bring a kitchen knife just in case he tries something.

Harry's POV:

I look at the rear view mirror and watch the kids, who would let them be wondering alone and this early in the morning, I'm glad I ran into them and not some creep. They were going down to Matthew's orphanage, they must have a sibling there or someone they know their and are probably checking up on them. "So, why are you guys going to the orphanage for?" They sort of look like Matthew, well the little boy does.

"We have our baby brother there, we wanted to know how he is, we haven't got any update of him since 5 month ago." The little girl says, she seems to be opening up a little more then the little boy, he seems on defense but it's okay, who wouldn't anyway.

"Well we're here, I'll come with you, the lady here isn't too nice and I don't want her to be rude to you guys." We get out of the car and walked to the front door, Lindsey opens the door and rolls her eyes at me, I give her a fake smile and walk in when she lets us walk by. "I see you got yourself more kids, that little devil wasn't enough." She spat, I roll my eyes and turn to face her. "Oh, you mean the nice, sweet, little angel who does nothing bad at all, he's fine. And I'm dropping off these kids to come see their baby brother, so please help them out and don't be rude." We head off to her office, but the kids start to run off to another room.

"Hold on guys, you can't just go running, do you know how your brother looks like?" They both nod at me and start to tap their feet, as they get impatient. "Okay, please no screaming or fighting, you're welcome to go search for him. Be respectful and no running." Lindsey said, as she gave the biggest fake smile ever. I roll my eyes and just wait by the chairs.

After about 30 minutes the kids come back, looking sad as ever. "Can we go?" The little boy says. I nod my head and we walk out to my car, I start it up and turn around to look at them. "Any luck finding him?" I asked but by the look of their faces I'm guessing it didn't go too well. "No, the lady said he was already adopted." The little boy said tears running down his face. It broke me to see him like that, to see the both of them so broken. "I'm sorry guys. Where do you want me to drop you off, where's your home?" I asked as they look at each other and they both let out a sob.

"I'm sorry, we ran away from our foster home, they weren't treating us right." I look at them and start my journey back to the house. I can't let them go back there, I will need to call CPS and have them stay with me and Zayn for the mean time. Once we get to the house I get out and open the door for the kids to get out. Once their out, I stop them from walking any further. "Well before we go in, I need to know your names and age." They both look up at me with sad eyes and they both sigh. "My names Sophia and this is my brother Michael, we're both the same age 14, we're twins." I smile at them and take their hands and lead them in. Once we walk in the house they let out a loud wow.

"Okay, are you guys hungry or tired? I can let you guys go to sleep, I will be making breakfast in a bit." They look at each other and shrug. We're mostly tired, we haven't been sleeping good." Michael says, I frown and led them to the guest room with it's own bathroom. "Well you guys can rest here for a bit, while I go start breakfast, the bathroom is there if you need to use it." They both nod and give me a hug, I hug them back and smile. "Thank you so much Harry." I whisper a small 'you're welcome' and head out of the room with the door open.

I walk up to my room to see Matthew laying wide awake with Zayn still asleep. I pick him up and change his diaper, once it was done, I set him on the floor and watch as he runs to his play room. I decided to let Zayn sleep some more and walk out. I head to Matthew's room and grab some toys for him, I pick him up and he giggles, which made me giggle as well. I set him down in his chair in the kitchen and give him some cereal while I started to make some pancakes with a fruit salad on the side. Once I was done, Zayn walks in yawning and rubbing his eyes. I smile and watch as he leans down and gives Matt a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning sleepy head. You know Matthew was awake for awhile." His eyes open wide and slaps his forehead. I laugh and go over to him and kiss him lightly. Matt giggles and makes grabby hands, meaning he wants to be held. I grab him, and Zayn and I start to attack him with little kisses, he giggles and squirms. We stopped once we saw Michael and Sophia walk in. Matt laid his head in between my neck and tried to catch his breath. "Zayn this is Sophia and Michael, I found them walking to the orphanage alone, and they ran away from an abusive foster home. Guys this is Zayn my husband" Zayn walks up to them with a smile and shakes their hand.

"Nice to meet you guys. Make yourself at home." They both smile at him and shook his hand. Matthew starts to squirm in my arms and I put him down, he turns around and looks at the kids he smiles and walks to them. But the kids have shocked expressions on their faces. "Oh my god, Matthew." They suddenly hug him in a blink of an eyes. I was about to grab Matthew but I looked closely to see he's hugging them back. "Mikey we found our baby brother." She cries out, Zayn and I look at each other with wide eyes and back at the kids. So Matthew has older siblings and they were separated. I'm going to need answers and fast. I guess I'll need to go to CPS tonight, I don't need the police being called while the kids are here.


Shocking turn of events. Oh god. Well I hope you enjoyed it. New chapter soon, please check out Broken Trust.

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