Chapter 6

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Niall's POV: (New POV)

After a good night with Liam and waking up with kisses all over my face. We decided to go visit Zayn and Harry. We had texting them saying we were going to visit, knowing that we haven't been hanging out lately because of our busy schedules that all four of us have.

Going out to pick up some breakfast at Nando's we drove to Zayn's and Harry's house in comfortable silence with some relaxing music in the background.

After a thirty minute drive we had finally made to Zarry's house in one piece, Liam was driving fast like he knew something I didn't or has a feeling something was happening. "Why did you have to drive so fast Li?" I asked looking at him suspiciously. He looked at me with an apologetic smile, "Sorry I there was a car following a couple miles back but I guess I was hallucinating. Let's go and eat, yeah. Also lets make sure there not doing anything gross before we eat." He got out of the car, smiling like a madman and went to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I grabbed the bags of food while getting out and handing Liam some of the bags and then closing the passenger door. Liam locked his car while we walked up to the steps of our friends house.

Knocking on the door and waiting for an answer which we didn't get, Liam pulled out the extra key Harry had given us. We both had one, because they know we both argue a lot, and either me or him come and spend the night here at the house.

Opening the door we were met by silent but walking further into the house you can hear the shower running upstairs. We walked into the kitchen and started to set up the food. I walked upstairs when I heard the shower off, knowing that they'll be quick into putting some clothes. Knocking on the door and hearing a quiet 'come in'. I opened the door and walked into the room seeing Harry fixing his long curly hair. "Hey. When did you guys arrive and where's Liam?" Harry asked watching me through the mirror I walked and sat down on his bed. "He's downstairs setting and warming up the food. Where's Zayn at?" I asked while looking around his bedroom I stopped when I noticed a really small bed and pointed to it. I turned and looked at Harry, frowning slightly wanting to know why is there a bed for a toddler in his and Zayn's room.

Zayn's POV:

I was in the bath with Mathew because he had asked me to get in with him, so I was in hear with some swimming trunk and playing around with some shower toys I had gotten him. I grabbed the shampoo and squirted some on my hands then going threw his hair. He started giggling when I started to scrub his body all together. Rinsing out the water making sure he had his eyes closed I got up and started to change making sure he didn't see me which was a good tho g because I didn't want him to see me fully naked which is weird. So changing into some comfortable clothes that Harry put in here for me.

I picked Mathew with a towel wrapping it around him tightly and making sure he wouldn't get cold, I walked out and went into the bedroom watching Harry and Niall talking. I smiled at Niall, when he turned around he looked shocked to see me carrying a toddler. "Umm... this is Mathew...?" Harry said while smiling and grabbing Matt to change him.

"When did this happen?" Niall asked looking at the toddler with so much curiosity wanting to know when he got here or how he got here. "We adopted yesterday. He was crying when we got him and the owner was being rude to him and calling him names. So we adopted him and now he's here. We're both happy. We've wanted this for along time now." I said smiling at a now dressed Matt who was hiding his face in Harry's neck, probably shy.

Sorry for the long wait but here's a chapter and the next will be another update. Worked on this 01-30-15. I have been so distracted with my new favorite and only book I have actually read 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' I am so in love with it. Anyway. Read my next chapter hope you likey.

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