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You guys had gathered what evidence you could and bolted right out the door into the night. Well, it was through a window, but that was beside the point. You guys had gotten to the resort after a few hours of running, something which shocked you since you had assumed Bently would have been on your asses relatively soon. He never did. When the staff at the resort saw you guys, the police were the first ones on the scene, ready for action. You guys didn't know Bently's exact position, so the cops did an island-wide search over the course of 3 days.

The evidence you and Nessa got together were handed it over to police custody as well. Nessa assembled her legal team, and soon, even the media jumped on things. Of course, there were things about you and your relationship with Nessa. While some outlets focused on the drama, others actually got to work on the real story. That was being that two people, one being a gym leader, was kidnapped, raped, tortured, and abused for a couple of days. At least some journalists actually did care. Or at least you had a positive viewpoint on them.

The court case was something else as well. Bently had been beaten so badly by Nessa that he had a fractured skull, severe brain damage, and a broken nose. Medics and cops were shocked that he was still breathing by the time they found him. He wasn't locked up. The judge said that he suffered enough mental and physical damage that he was practically a vegetable.

He was given over to regional custody, who took him to a supermax asylum for the rest of his days. Nessa has yet to get over that fact; frankly, you were right there with her. The man raped your girl. And it was through this trauma that, well...you two haven't done it since. Hell, just getting her to accept your proposal was hard enough as is. Let alone conversations about kids were completely out of the question.

Hell, just doing basic couple things like holding hands, hugging, and more was almost destroyed. It has been 3 years, and she is now opening back up to your hands. It's...well, obviously, it was horrifying. Hell, with everything going on, you were just amazed she wanted to stay with you despite everything. It was such a hard-hitting night for her.

Luckily, Sonia and the other gym leaders have joined in on being her rock. Something which you were beyond thankful for. Without them, damn, it would be a nightmare to handle. So, here you were, sitting inside your apartment, watching TV. Since the incident, you had been going from job to job around the city. You just couldn't work for Robert anymore. Not that he was complaining. He completely understood your worries. Well, he was also happy to lose the guy who demanded the biggest pay since, you know...you did almost every job of his.

Still, here you were with nothing to do. Your resume was grand enough to go ahead and easily land you another job. But ever since then, you just couldn't anymore. The same was said about Nessa. She was much more aggressive in battles, going in after more and more powerful water types and, frankly, barely giving trainers a chance. It was...well...scary to say the least.

She walked into the living room and sat beside you, letting her eyes drift to the TV. You glanced at her and rubbed the back of your neck.

(Y/N): May I?

Nessa: Not..not today.

You nodded and shifted your body down onto the couch. Nessa sat there, leaning away a little. You rubbed the back of your neck and looked over at her.

(Y/N): So..the wedding is in a few weeks.

Nessa: Yeah. It is.

(Y/N): Is there anything you want to change a little or-

Nessa: Is this leading to you asking if I still want to kiss at the altar?

(Y/N): Uh...yeah. That's...that's kinda why I brought it up.

Nessa: I...I don't really know.

Nessa curled up to herself, huddling up to the side of the couch. You wanted to hug her, but you knew it wouldn't be the best of times. You leaned back on the couch, somewhat frustrated. Nessa glanced over at you and saw your reaction. You weren't really pissed at her. You couldn't ever truly be. But it was getting annoying that after 3 years of this, all the therapy invested into her, and it was still a no-go.

At this point, it really did feel like a losing battle. Nessa slowly scooted over to you, shifting only little by little. However, you raised your hand to stop her.

(Y/N): It's ok. Don't push yourself.

Nessa: And it's not fair to you. I feel like-

(Y/N): Nessa. There is nothing you can do about it. It's all in your head, and that head is affecting everything else. Just..let it go.

Nessa: And it's not fair to you! You shouldn't have to deal with this!

(Y/N): So what? Do you want to call off the engagement?

Nessa: Do you?!

(Y/N): No!

Nessa: Then neither do I!

You both had stood up, slowly starting to raise your voices. You sighed a little and stepped back from her. She looked at you, and you stepped away from her.

(Y/N): I just..need a minute or 2. Ok?

Nessa: ...Right.

You stepped out of the apartment and sighed a little. You made the slow walk down the stairs and out the door. You sighed a little and continued to walk through the streets of Hulbury. As to why you and Nessa weren't at her place was beyond you. Maybe she just wanted some simplicity or something. You sighed and rested against the side of the building, taking in deep breaths. You had no idea what there was to even really do from here.

You covered your face with your hands and slid down a little along the wall. You wanted to go back to her, go see her and hug her, kiss her, love her. But you couldn't. You just couldn't anymore. You turned around and slammed your forehead down onto the wall. You were frustrated more than anything else. You turned back and saw a few taxis driving by. You glanced over and saw a pipe as well.

The idea came to your head. She needed closure, and you needed her to be happy. And he was still alive. You flagged a cab and got it, and drove off. Nessa texted you. Asking where you were.

(Y/N): Just out for a drive. I'll see you later. Love you, sweetie.

You sent a winky face to her as well. You wanted to keep her calm. She would be seeing you tonight. You drove down and stopped the taxi at an asylum, and made your way inside. The rooms were mostly padded out and private, giving you more than enough time to do what you needed. The guard opened the door to one room and stepped to the side.

Guard: He doesn't talk much.

(Y/N): That's fine. Just wanted to see him again.

The guard nodded and closed the door behind you. You slowly walked up and saw, sitting there was Bently. His eyes were barely open as he stared up mindlessly. You walked up next to his bed and looked down at him.

(Y/N): I'm happy you are here. But you deserve worse. And now...your rightful punishment is here.

You slowly took out the pipe from under your shirt. You slowly raised it up over his head.

(Y/N): For Nessa. For the crimes you committed. For me.

You slammed the pipe down onto his face. And for the first time in 3 years...Bently finally made a sound. A loud scream that alerted the guards.

Nessa was pacing around your apartment, phone in hand.

Nessa: Come on, come on. Pick up.

The door knocked frantically. Nessa walked over to it. On the other side was Sonia and her husband, Calvin.

Nessa: Oh hey-

Sonia: Have you seen the news?!

Nessa: What?

Sonia ran inside and grabbed the remote. She turned it to the first news station. Nessa dropped. You were cuffs, covered in blood, and being escorted out of the asylum. She could only read the headline: "Fiancé of Gym Leader Murders Rapist."

You had murdered Bently. Nessa looked at the screen, some tears in her eyes. However, instead of fainting or anything else. She smiled. She slowly smiled.

She was at peace. And your job was done. 

Nessa X Male Reader: A Model PhotoshootWhere stories live. Discover now