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Cardan smoothed back my hair, letting his fingers linger against my ears for a long moment. Our coronation revels had lasted far longer than expected, even during our absence wine was poured and mistakes were undoubtedly made. We were curled into each other, listening to lyres and lutes play sweet faerie melodies, on the same love seat from so many moons ago. He kissed my neck so softly I was almost convinced that it wasn't the same mouth that had once spat such hatred towards me.  While our foray into the mortal world had been short lived, Cardan had managed to cause enough trouble that I had decided to keep him away from there for a little while. Trying to outwit trolls without my knowledge had given me enough of a fright for a long time. 

"Perhaps we should return to our revel." I whispered. "I'm sure your subjects are missing you."

"Our subjects, my Queen." He said, his lips pressed to my ear. "I think they can stand to be without us for a short while longer." I let out a girlish giggle and hid my face against his shoulder, embarrassed. I noted silently that the honeymoon phase was not a myth as I had first thought, it was painfully real. 

"No, I command you to see through your duties as king!" I stood up and pointed at him. 

"That doesn't work on me anymore, your year and a day has long since passed my dear." He leaned forward, the opening in his shirt draping to reveal his pale chest. 

"Is that so?" I teased. 

"No." He sighed and stood up, taking my arm. "I command you to leave my side not once, and to only dance with me." He strode out of the annex and into the great hall, his head held high parading me in front of his subjects. I tried to keep my head as aloft as his but found myself still feeling slightly out of my depth.  "Fret not, my darling Jude. All will be well as long as you're by my side." I relaxed my shoulders somewhat, comforted my his acknowledgement of my discomfort. 

We greeted only a few of the noblemen and women of the court before taking our leave to the dancefloor. Cardan's fingers danced along the waistband of my dress, delicately caressing as though I was made of thorns. It was a performance he'd mastered during these revels, upholding my reputation as a the Queen of Knives, although I had to admit it occasionally upset me. His performance was a little too real for my liking. 

We danced for so long that I felt that my legs would give out , I whispered to Cardan that I wished to step away.  I took a seat on our twin throne, trying to disguise my breathlessness.  In a split second, a figure appeared beside me, a face I could not discern, a voice I could not recognise. 

"Your Highness, we have received word of an attack against the crown."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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