The Unexpected

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The warriors' sword crashed down on Loki's helmet, knocking him off balance and sending his head into a tailspin. "What the fuck!" He spun around to see who delivered the bone-crunching blow, and he found himself looking into fierce glittering black eyes. It took him a millisecond to register this was a woman. Dirt, sweat and blood obscured her face, but sensuous lips were curled into an evil grin and delicate eyebrows were dark and furrowed and definitely female. The surprise must have registered on Loki's face because this she-devil threw back her head and let loose a blood-curdling screech that drove itself deep into Loki's bones.

By the time his brain and his body synchronized and he decided to move, she was already on top of Loki. He toppled backwards from the force with which she threw herself at him. He still had his sceptre clutched in his hand, but at this close proximity, it was of no use to him.

'How the hell did I let this happen?' He was asking himself.

And now this Witch Warrior was on top of him as he fell, his head cracking off of a large rock as he hit the ground. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think straight. The wind was knocked out of his lungs causing him to panic momentarily. His head was throbbing. And something was crushing his ankles! Wincing in pain, Loki found himself looking directly into the glittering black eyes of this angry warrior. And she had him pinned him to the ground. She let out a blood-curdling scream again, spittle flying from her mouth onto Loki's face.

'Who the fuck does she think she is?' his brain screamed. 'Doesn't this bitch know I'm a god?'

He twisted his torso in vain, trying to throw her off. He bucked his hips, flailed his legs, but it was no use. What was happening? He couldn't get this female off of him.

"Having a problem, oh God of Mischief?" Her voice was like a violin being scratch with a rough bow.

Her breath was cool on his face, her grip on his wrists like iron clamps. Loki twisted his neck, looking from side to side. 'Damn it, where were Thor and his band of merry men?'

Risking a glance down, he could see the swell her small breasts, even those covered in blood and grime. Her legs were clamped down on his, her boots dug into his ankles holding them still. Wild, raven black hair swirled all around him, falling from her head in a tangled curtain, a dozen thin braids slapping his cheek. Loki's nostrils were assaulted with her scent of an unwashed body, sweat and blood. Despite his situation, Loki felt his cock twitch and cursed himself. He had noticed her right away. This warrior stood out because the way she moved. Tall, strong and lithe, she wore armour made for war. But Loki just assumed she was a man. She was so wild and covered in dirt, Loki never gave her another thought, until her sword crashed down on his head.

'Get yourself together Loki,' he scolded himself. Pain shooting everywhere, gasping for breath, Loki stared at the She-Warrior. She was gazing into Loki's face now, studying him intently.

"You underestimated your foe Loki. Look where it has gotten you. I bet it hurts your Godly pride to have a lowly woman on top of you now, and there is nothing you can do about it." Her breath curled around his nostrils, his final sense filled with her essence. Her strength combined with some sorcery she wielded was rendering him paralyzed, but he finally found his mental clarity.

"Listen to you Witch, I don't know how I came to be under your bosom, with you writhing on top of me, but as soon as my brother finds me, he will free me and I will make you beg for mercy on your knees. And while you are down there, my boots will be crushing your delicate fingers as you lick the dirt from my soles." Loki practically spits the words in her face. And that caused the warrior to come in closer as a show of defiance.

Loki continued his tirade, "You will be begging me for your pathetic life, your pathetic existence. You don't know who you are dealing with a woman. And by the time you do know, you'll be gasping your last tortured breath from that supple breast of yours which you so eagerly thrust upon me."

Loki was seething with anger, the frustration at his situation clearly evident. The warrior continued to look at Loki with amusement, high pitched squeals escaping from her throat as she tried to control her laughter. This drove Loki even further into a frenzied anger, his emerald eyes darkening to a stormy, saturated green, his breathing deep and laboured. On the verge of losing control, unsure of what his next move would be, Loki was confused as the mighty She-Warrior suddenly flew backwards, up and away from him. As he watched her go, a look of surprise and shock registered on her face. It was eventually obscured by her raven black hair as it whooshed around her face. Stunned, Loki sat up, briefly wondering what the hell happened before realizing it was obviously Thor's handiwork.

Loki winced as he saw the female hit the rock wall and collapse in a heap at the base of it.

'Good,' he thought automatically, but the feeling of satisfaction he usually got did not appear. He watched to see if the warrior moved. She didn't. He curses under his breath, and then he cursed himself for even wondering if she was OK. He could hear Thor bellowing his name telling him to clear out.

'What is wrong with me?' Loki shook his head, once again trying to clear his thoughts. Crouching low he leaped into the shadows of the boulder he cracked his head on moments ago. Peering across the battlefield he could see a limping Fandral, and Sif, her arm around his waist, struggling to make a hasty retreat. Thor was pushing his way thru a group of warriors, his hammer swinging, knocking them like flies as he went. Slipping along the outside of the skirmish, in the shadows, Loki made his way back to the cover of the forest that surrounded the battlefield. As he went he found himself taking a look over his shoulder.

'The She-Warrior...where was she?'

Loki could make out 2 warriors carrying a limp form between them. Jotunn warriors. Loki stored this little bit of information to review later.

'Was she dead?' Loki wondered. 'Why should I care?' he thought to himself angrily. 'She was going to kill me if Thor hadn't pulled her off me.' Loki's silent thoughts continued as he made his into the dark cool forest, the pain in his ankles making him wince with every step.

'Since when has a foe overpowered me?'

There had been maybe one or two Jotunn Frost Giants in the past that almost defeated Loki, but luckily Thor had been by his side each time to help out. But a woman! Never a woman! Who was this warrior, this woman, this beguiling witch with the glittering black eyes? Well, he'd never know now. She was probably dead. And it was for the better. The last thing the great God of Mischief, Loki of Asgard wanted, was to be struck down and then remembered for all of eternity as killed by a woman. He would be the laughing stock of the kingdom! And then he shuddered as he thought of the merciless teasing he was going to receive when they all returned to camp tonight. This was not good. No! It was not good at all.

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