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"Skadi, do not be afraid," Saga clutched her daughter's arm weakly, pulling her down to look into her eyes. Her voice paper thin and airy.

"You are my daughter, you shall do great things." Saga let go and let her hand fall to her chest. Her tear stained face was pale, her lips dry, cracked and bloodied. Saga shivered uncontrollably now, her eyes rolling into her head before she closed them.

"Mama, please mama, just hang on." Skadi's tears fell and joined those on Saga's cheeks. Skadi's face was red, her nose wet, her head pounding. She threw herself over Sagas chest.

"Mama, please mama, I'm so scared, you can't go." The room was unbearably hot and stifling. Her chest heaving in a sorrow too great for her little body, she collapsed onto the floor. The midwife who was present, who had been cowering in the corner for the last few hours, jumped up and called for Skadi's brother who was waiting on the other side of the curtain. Karnuk was not prepared for the sight that befell him upon entering the bedroom. Long shadows danced on the walls of the candle lit room.  He froze at the sight of his mother, her laboured, shallow breathing, the blood soaked bed beneath her, the baby obviously still inside her belly. The midwife pointed at Skadi sprawled on the floor and he quickly scooped her up and departed back thru the curtain.

Moments later, Thadzi and 2 more of his sons, Fsulo and Holfi, entered with fearful faces.

"Why is this child not born wench!" he yelled at the cowering midwife. "Why have you not called for help?"

"But there is no helping her Master, I've been singing and chanting, but this baby refuses to come out. I sent my sister for help hours ago. She should have been be back by now."

"Stupid, stupid woman" Thadzi raised his arm to strike the woman, but then thought better of it. Instead he yelled at her again. "Why have you waited so long, why didn't you send for help yesterday?"

The cowering woman peeked from under her arm, "But Master, this is so unexpected, and I have have always been able to turn a baby.  This child is so stubborn, he refuses to move. It is not my fault! It is the stubborn child."

This time the comment did earn the midwife a blow of Thadzi's hand and she went reeling into the wall, holding her cheek and whimpering.

"Thadzi.....Thadzi my love, is that you? Where is my baby Thadzi? Where?" Thadzi froze and looked upon Saga's pale face. Her fair hair surrounded her head, crumpled damp sheets pulled over her. He went to her immediately, and clasped her hand, his other wiping the hair that was plastered to her forehead. Her eyes were large and luminous, surrounded by dark circles, her face a sheen of cold sweat.

"'re here. Was it a boy, or a girl? Tell me now please for I'm so tired. No one will bring the baby to me. Is he sick? I want to hold the baby before I sleep..." Saga mistakenly believed the baby was born. He had to be, there was no other reason that a man should be in the birthing room. They were not allowed. The baby must be out.

"Thadzi..." Sagas voice was a mere wisp now.

"My darling, shhh, just rest my darling, you'll be fine." Thadzi looked into the glazed eyes of his wife and he knew in his heart that she would die. And he knew from Saga's birthing stories, that the baby inside her womb would also be dead. A fear gripped his heart like no other, not even facing an army of angry warriors could compare to the fear he felt right now. What would he do without his beloved Saga? Saga, who was the gentle rain that washed away all the misery of the world from his soul. Saga, who was the rock that held his family together while he went out to battle the world, who was the love of his life, the woman who saw past his rough exterior to the creature underneath who needed her love, needed her admiration.

" husband. I love you. Have you seen our baby? "

Thadzi, his emotions a storm within him, didn't trust his voice to not betray him.

"Yes Saga, I have seen him. He is beautiful and strong, you will be so proud of him" Thadzi's heart was breaking.

"Yes, yes, I knew it would be a boy again. I could feel his strength inside me, I knew he would be strong." A weak smile crossed her trembling lips and then she closed her eyes. Her breathing rattled, then it stopped. The hand that was clasping Thadzi's went limp. Thadzi's head dropped onto his wife's chest, throwing his arms around her, he felt his heart being ripped right from his chest. Sobbing sounds choked out from his throat and then he threw back his head, a pained and desperate look in his eyes, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

When Skadi appeared beside her mother, it was her father that commanded her attention. Huge sobs wracked the warrior, reducing him to a crumbling heap beside his wife.

"Papa, why are you crying, Papa?...." The fear in Skadi's voice was evident as she started to wail. " she dead Papa, is the baby dead too?...."

Thadzi looked up at his only daughter, his eyes wrought with pain. The father gathered his daughter is his embrace and together they sobbed, their tears wetting Saga's gown, marking the dead goddess with their sorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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