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It had been two weeks since Skadi was carried off the battlefield. She lay comatose for 3 days, mystics and healers came and went, applying healing plasters, singing healing chants and pouring elixirs past her cool pale lips. When she finally opened her eyes on the 4th day, she was confused and weak. She had an awful headache, and with every breath she took, a sharp pain emanated from her ribcage.

"Skadi, don't move. Just be still. You've suffered many injuries and you must stay still." Skadi's youngest brother Aeres was talking to her, his hand on hers, his dark brown eyes anxious, but relieved.

"Brothers, come, sister is awake." Skadi could hear the clatter of mugs and shuffling as 3 tall imposing men entered the room. The look of relief was very evident on their faces, their defeated postures disappearing as they saw Skadi with their own eyes. Yes, she was awake!

Skadi tried to lift her head, but a piercing pain shot from ear to ear and she fell back with a groan.

"No, child, no, you must stay in bed. You have been under the sleeping spell for 3 long days and nights." This came from the oldest of the 4 brothers, Fsulo. He stood close beside Skadi, as all her brothers had come to her bedside. Bending down, he brushed her long black hair back from her forehead and pulled her cover up under her neck. He had noticed Skadi shiver. When Skadi looked into Fsulo's eyes she could see the fear that resided there. She lifted her hand slightly, moving it to cover her brother's hand at the edge of the bed. Delicate and shaking she tried to convey comfort to Fsulo, but it only showed Skadi how much her body had suffered. Anger flashed behind Fsulo's dark eyes, but this passed unknown to anyone but Skadi as she closed her eyes, falling back into a deep, painful sleep.

Skadi slipped in and out of consciousness for another day before she actually stayed awake for any length of time. Every time she closed her eyes a darkness swirled in front of her face. She could hear a voice; an angry, menacing whisper that drifted and swirled like smoke in a damp hearth. And every time, the smoke would clear, and then angry green eyes were looking at her. Penetrating her very being. And every time she was suddenly ripped away, filling her with dismay and then pain, nothing but darkness and pain. Over and over this kept playing in her head. As the days passed, she dreamed this less and less, until one night she slept fully, deeply and dreamlessly. When Skadi woke that morning, she felt wide awake, finally. The fuzziness that had resided in her brain was gone. Tentatively, she sat up in bed. Hmmm. Nothing. No dizziness. This was good. She decided she would go sit in the chair beside her bed. She didn't summon anyone, she needed to do this herself. It was time to rejoin the living. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed and pushing herself up at the same time, Skadi suddenly found herself standing unsteadily on her own. Leaning forward, she grabbed the arm of the chair and manoeuvred herself into the seat.


The air expelled quickly from her lungs as she sat hard, and she immediately grabbed her side as sharp pain shot from her ribs.

Sitting in the chair is how Aeres found Skadi dozing. She was wearing a plain white shift, her long black hair tied into a loose braid that hung over her shoulder. She finally had some colour in her face, he noticed with relief. He crouched down in front of her and carefully touched her arm. Skadi woke with a start.

"Aeres! Oh, it's just you. You scared me."

Aeres chuckled. "Just me? Sister, you wound my heart." He smiled at her and said, "So you've had enough of your bed I see! I'm so happy you're upright again. It is unnerving to see a warrior immobile for so long. You had us all so worried you know."

"Aeres, it's OK, I am here now, and I will heal. Thank you for saving me...." Skadi's voice trailed off as she gazed upon her youngest brother.

Aeres was Skadi's youngest brother, the only brother she was older than. Separated in age by less than a year, Skadi had always babied him as if he was much younger. Aeres was a kind and gentle soul, and Skadi often protected him from their older brothers. Aeres was always a small child, a weak child, and prone to easy tears. Skadi and Aeres spent many summer days in the forest, playing games, imagining they were fairies or elves. Oftentimes they stayed to themselves as the other boys liked to pick on Aeres. And then Skadi would get mad and challenge the boys to a fight. This only made things worse for Aeres, so, they just stayed away and playing in their own little world of make-believe. In this world, Aeres was the fierce warrior he longed to be. Big, tall, strong, just like his 3 brothers were. And where he wasn't afraid of anything. Skadi and Aeres stayed playmates like this until the day after Aeres 12th birthday. This is when their father, Thiazi, and their 3 brothers showed up to take Aeres into the training field, away from his beloved sister, away from their make-believe world, to finally force him to grow up.

"No!" Skadi shrieked as Aeres was being led away, tears in his eyes. But it soon became clear to everyone around the two that they were not going to thrive as long as they were separated. Against his better judgement, Thiazi decided Skadi would train alongside Aeres. Her mother long dead, Thiazi wouldn't get any resistance about letting his only daughter become a warrior. And from her first day on the training battlefield, Skadi knew she had found her calling. That was 6 years ago, and Skadi had long ago lost count how many times she fought alongside her brothers and father.

Skadi looked questioningly at Aeres. "What exactly happened to me Aeres? All I can remember is going onto the battlefield. I remember the first clash of swords and the battle cries but has hard as I've tried, I can't seem to remember anything else."

"Skadi, you were caught in the heat of the battle, and you ended up getting tossed against the stone wall. You hit your head very hard. When I found you, you were like a crumpled child's doll. Covered in blood, I thought you dead, sister." Aeres' eyes brimmed with tears, which he quickly brushed away, embarrassed.

"When I looked closer I could see your pulse pumping your blood slowly thru your body," Aeres continued, "I waved over the nearest warrior and had him help me carry you off the field. We travelled 2 hours, I carried you in my arms on horseback, just to get back here. You were asleep, and you stayed asleep until 3 days ago."

A chambermaid arrived, carrying chilled water, but Skadi sent her away telling her to fetch some wine instead.

Skadi turned, looking into her brothers face expectantly.

"And pray tell Aeres, who won the battle then?"

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