Loki's Realization

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Loki's life eventually fell back into the same routine. It took him a couple of months to recover from his head injury. He still suffered headaches now and again, but the healers in the castle told him he needed to be patient and it would just take time for them to finally disappear. Almost fully healed physically, it was mentally he still suffered. But a least he shut up Thor and his loyal warriors. Loki convinced one of the kitchen maids that he was bedding to fill a cake with laxatives and feed them to Fandral. The poor bugger spent 2 days in his chambers not able to leave the chamber pots for even 5 minutes before gut wrenching gas rolled painfully thru his bowels and exited with a most dreadful force.
Fandral knew only Loki would pull a stunt such as that, but there was no way to prove it. After that incident the teasing abruptly stopped, no one else wanting to suffer a similar fate. When Fandral emerged weak and pale and about 10 lbs lighter, Loki was the first to welcome him back with an evil, satisfied grin.

"Fandral, how are you feeling? I hear you have had a touch of food poisoning?"

"Fuck off Loki" Fandral scowled thru gritted teeth, as he staggered on by.

Loki was doubled over with laughter as he walked away, unable to contain himself for quite a few minutes. And that was that, not one more word from anyone.

But even though the teasing and laughter from others stopped, inside Lokis head, it hadn't. It bothered him to no end that a woman had pinned him down. She was only a touch smaller than Loki in size, and a maybe only 20 lbs or so lighter. So how did she manage to physically overpower him? And why him? She obviously knew who he was because she referred to him as the God of Mischief. And the venom in her words, the spite in her eyes, he had never seen such malice in anyone's eyes, save for Laufey, leader of the frost giants.

As the days went by, bits and pieces came back to him. He remembered her touch, how cool her hands were. And her breath, the coolness of her breath on his face. Hmmm... A thought was planted in Loki's mind. And the more he thought about it, the larger it grew. Until things started to make sense and fall into place. And slowly, Loki had an ominous feeling start to grow in his mind. Grow and twisting and unfurling its leaves like a rogue vine that chokes the life out of its host. Eventually, every waking moment was filled with this woman, this warrior. And she ruined his nights, no longer able to sleep more than a few hours at most. His mind was consumed with questions, exactly who was she? And where was she? And why had she targeted him? Loki had a feeling he knew. Slowly, a plan began to form. He knew he had to make the first move. Because Loki knew Hel hath no fury like a woman scorned.

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