Chapter 1: Halloween

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October 31, 2:28 am.


The sound of his tongue clicking against his teeth echoed slightly in the hallway, barely covered by the jingling of his keys as he sorted through them.

It had been so long since he saw, or needed, his apartment key he partially forgot what it looked like. He was half a second from calling McTavish, someone who he gave a second key (much to Simon's dismay).

He pulled out his phone, finger sliding up to unlock the screen. His eyes browsed his, very limited, contacts list, pausing over "McTavish, John". A quick glance at the time caused his scowl to deepen, surely McTavish would be awake? It was Halloween, McTavish's self-proclaimed 'favourite holiday', Simon knew he only used the holiday as an excuse to get pissed drunk and hit on women dressed in scantily clad costumes.

Just before he pressed 'call' the elevator behind him dinged and he heard a chorus of women laughing and talking, looking over his shoulder he watched roughly six women exit the elevator, all dressed in intricate costumes, a few leaving little to the imagination (especially the dark haired girl dressed as a devil). The one in the middle 'shushed' them, informing them she couldn't get another noise complaint.

They walked together to the door beside him, the one dressed as an angel pulled out a set of keys, and unlock the door with everyone filing in before the one who unlocked the door did.

The two made eye contact, and she smiled shyly. "I like your mask! Are you supposed to be the Grim Reaper?" Her finger pointed at her own face, motioning a small circle around her drunk flush face.

Simon cringed a little, what a question.


What an answer.

"Oh! Either way, I like it a lot." Her fingers laced together nervously, clearly unsure of what to do now. "I haven't seen you before, have you just moved in?"

Her words were slurred a little, and he wasn't sure why she wasn't accompanying her friends into the apartment.

"No." He looked back at his door, shoulders falling slightly, he could hear John now telling him he was being rude for not giving full answers, "I travel a lot for work."

Simon went back to shuffling for his key, surely she would leave if he started to look busy?

She stood there awkwardly, still. He could hear her friends listening to music and talking loudly, something he wasn't too excited about hearing all night. The walls were thin, and he was already a light sleeper.

"I uhm... Well-" She cleared her throat, "It's nice to meet you!"

He offered no response, only shoving the key that had his door number in the lock and turning it, clicking the lock into unlocked. The door creaked open and he went to move into the dark room.

"I hope to see you around." He looked at her again, sizing her up a little.

"(Y/n)-!" The one dressed as the devil poked her head around the door frame, her hand grabbing your upper arm, "What are you- oh, hello handsome. Got a name?"

She was much more intoxicated than you, and he didn't want to deal with that, and the smile she gave made him wince internally.

He pushed his way into his apartment and closed the door.

Nice and... Partially quiet. He heard you in the hall, lecturing your friend before he heard the door click shut.

Quickly a text was shot to John.

'Reminder to look at apartment listings.' To which he was hit with '???'.

Either way, he had a long night of trying to sleep ahead of him.


A return to writing, I missed it a fair bit. Sorry about the POV change near the end, the rest of this will be written in the second person. Enjoy.

The Girl In Flat 25 (Simon "Ghost" Riley X F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now