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King's Landing, 304 AC

VISERYS HELD DAERON'S LIMP BODY IN HIS ARMS. His body was not yet cold, and his flesh still pink, but his eyes had glazed over and looked blankly into the distance. Viserys laid his young son to rest alongside Maehera and Helaena, in front of the steps to the Iron Throne. He knelt in front of them, bowing his head to the cold stone floor. His throat felt tight as hot tears threatened to fall from his eyes. 

They were all dead. 

His family, who he had loved with all his being, were all dead. He would get vengeance for them. 

Viserys heard footsteps from behind him, and he immediately stood up and turned to face them. It was her. The one who had murdered his entire family. The one he had called his only family years prior. His younger sister, Daenerys. 

Viserys awoke in a sweat, the room around him still dark. He felt around him with his hand, his worry assuaged as he came into contact with Maehera's shoulder. He moved his hand towards her neck, using two fingers to check that she still had a pulse before sighing in relief. They weren't dead yet, but he still felt uneasy. His ancestors had predicted a great many things through their dreams in the past, so who was to say that Viserys didn't have that ability as well, who was to say that this dream wasn't a prophecy of that which was to come.

He climbed out of the bed, making his way over to the balcony. It was a dark night, no moon, no stars, just darkness. The city below him was mostly quiet too, save for the infamous Street of Silk. Viserys leant against the railing, letting the wind carry the rest of his sleepiness away.  He looked back towards the bedroom, where Maehera laid asleep still. She and their two young children were in danger, and not just from his sister. If any should rise up against his rule, they would be the first the rebels would target. He had to protect them, he had to keep the throne to ensure their safety. Viserys gripped the railing with determination, even as the rough stone cut against his still healing wounds from the sharp iron of the throne, after all it was but a little pain to prevent an even worse pain.

Hours later, when the Sun hung high in the sky, Viserys watched as Daeron and Helaena played in the courtyard below. Maehera, Nymeria and Daenerys sat off to the side, busy with their own things but still keeping a watchful eye over the children. None of them had noticed yet that Viserys was present, on the balconies above the courtyard. He looked over at Daenerys with suspicion. He couldn't trust her anymore, not after what she had done in his dream, what he believed she would do. He turned to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard beside him. "I want more guards on the Queen and our children," Viserys said to him.

"At once, your grace," the Lord Commander replied, bowing his head to Viserys.

Hearing voices above, Daenerys looked up to make eye contact with her brother, whose eyes narrowed at her before he turned to storm off. His heated glare sent shivers down Daenerys' spine. His coin had landed on madness, she was sure of it, and it made her fearful as she had no clue what he would do in his insanity. She turned back towards her goodsister, trying to shake off the weird feeling she had gotten from her brother just moments before. Maehera had been focusing on yet another embroidery, it seems that was all she did with her time now since the war ended. Her latest project was a spotted rabbit, the third rabbit she had done so far and what seemed like the three hundred and seventy-first woodland animal to Daenerys. She admired her goodsister's patience, however. Each one of her embroideries were very detailed and required lots of time and skill. Daenerys did not have the patience for those, she had become used to battle and had not practiced since they had all lived in Pentos.

"He was just here, you know?" Daenerys remarked to the elder female, "Watching from the balconies. He looked like a dangerous animal".

Maehera looked up towards the balconies as she placed the embroidery hoop down in her lap. "I think he's been having nightmares. He doesn't say anything, but it's affecting him, I'm sure. He's afraid of losing the throne, I think," she replied.

"You have so much faith in him. You do know what they say about us, don't you? That a coin is flipped between greatness and madness upon our birth? His landed on madness, he's always shown signs of madness for as long as I can remember," Daenerys said.

"I don't believe in fate. I believe that people are shaped by their experiences, and the two of you have had a particularly hard life. He may be a little mad now, but I believe that that can change. I'm not quite sure how right now, but I have faith that Viserys will get through this," Maehera looked over at her young children with Daenerys' gaze following, "He has to, for our children and our future".

Daenerys wasn't convinced, however. Her goodsister had a soft and kind heart, and her brother's madness would destroy it. Maehera believed that Viserys' madness would quell and they would be a happy family that would rule over Westeros for generations to come, but Daenerys knew that wouldn't be the case. She looked at her niece and nephew fondly. She would protect them.

For her niece and nephew, she would be a kinslayer if it came to it.

a/n ;; uni has officially ended for the year so I will try to upload more, but we will see how that turns out haha. thank you so much for all the support and continued reading despite my very inconsistent uploading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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