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Vaes Dothrak, 299 AC

HER GOODSISTER HAD JUST ANNOUNCED HER PREGNANCY, but Maehera felt like her incoming child was going to tear her apart before she could be able to meet Daenerys' future child.

The tent was filled with Maehera's screams and laboured pants. Viserys paced back and forth behind the midwife, neither he nor Maehera able to hear the midwife urge the silver-haired woman to push.

She had been in labour since nightfall the previous day, it was currently noon. She could barely remember when it started, when she had suddenly clutched her stomach as the first painful contraction ripped through her.

"I see the head," Maehera could just make out, "One more push!".

And so, with one last push, Maehera's screams ended and a sharp, piercing wail of the newborn baby filled the tent. The babe was brought over to Maehera a couple seconds later, wrapped in a blanket. "It's a boy".

With adoration, Maehera looked down at her son's face. He was so small, too perfect, she thought. Small tufts of bloodstained silver hair covered his head. Lazily, the small human yawned, his head nuzzling towards his mother's breast.

Shadows covered the babe's face as his father sat down on the makeshift bed, looking down at child. "He is perfect," Viserys whispered, a funger stroking the side of the babe's face. "He shall be Daeron, third of his name to be king".

White Harbor, 299 AC

Mecca stood before a ship on the ports of White Harbor. With one last glance back, she walked up the gangplank, a pouch of coins ready in her hand to pay for passage and her belongings in a bag slung over her shoulder.

It was now or never, she could board this boat and leave in search for confirmation of the truth, or she could deliver news of a rumour to her dearest cousin. It's better if he doesn't know until I know it is true for sure, Mecca told herself as she passed the bag of coins to the captain.

She let out a deep breath. She was really going to do this, go to a place she'd never been before to hopefully find concrete answers. And for once, it was nerve-racking.

Vaes Dothrak, 299 AC

Finally, he'd found it.

The hidden stash of jewels was his, he'd be able to sell them and get an army of unsullied. Though, he wondered if it would also be enough to pay for a fleet of ships.

And that was why, that afternoon, he snuck into his sister's tent, ready to take the petrified dragon eggs. They were only stone, he figured, it wasn't like they would be good for anything else.

He'd just picked up the third egg, ready to place it in his bag when Ser Jorah Mormont had decided to take the part of a noble bastard, attempting to stop Viserys from taking the eggs.

"I am sorry, my king, but I cannot let you take those eggs. They rightfully belong to your sister," Jorah stated, standing in the doorway and effectively blocking the silver-haired man's exit route.

"Move out of my way, old man," Viserys sneered.

"I am afraid I cannot do that until you have returned the eggs," the Andal man replied, a hand moving to rest onto a dagger that he had concealed.

Viserys' lilac eyes watched the dagger cautiously. He knew that if Jorah were to draw that dagger there would a slim chance of him seeing his newborn son again.

He raised a hand in surrender, using the other to open the bag. Slowly, he lifted on egg, placing in the sand box behind him before doing the same with the remaining two. He would just have to hope the jewels would last enough.

Jorah moved aside, though Viserys still hit him with his shoulder on the way out.

Maehera walked in the Western marketplace with her goodsister, her son carefully cradled in her arms as they walked. She lingered behind Daenerys, a just a bit in front of Irri, Doreah and Rakharo. Jorah Mormont walked beside Daenerys, conversing with the Targaryen girl.

"Can't you help me make him understand?" Daenerys asked, becoming slightly exasperated.

"The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons. Have patience, Khaleesi. We will go home," the Northern man said.

Home... it made Maehera think. She had always considered home where her family was. But, now, she had a new family. If Daenerys thought that home wasn't where your family was, then where was home truly? It caused a confused frown to mar Maehera's face.

As if Daeron could sense his mother's confusion, he fussed around in her arms, tactfully drawing her attention to him. And, in looking at her babe and his eyes, she knew that her home would always be with her children, the children that she would raise to be kind and to love and to rule.

"You have the honour of addressing Daenerys of the House Targaryen, Khaleesi of the riding men and princess of the seven kingdoms," Daenerys' voice snapped Maehera back to attention.

They stood in front of a wine seller's stall, the merchant manning it looking very surprised. His eyes soon travelled to Maehera and her son, his eyes widening even more.

"Oh my, your highnesses," the man said quickly, flustered as he bowed.

"Rise, I'd still like to taste that wine," Daenerys commanded him.

"That? Dornish swill. Not worthy of a princess," the wine seller poured the wine on the ground.

Maehera raised an eyebrow, what merchant would throw away their goods? And, besides, she had always found Dornish wine quite good.

"I have a dry red from the Arbor. Nectar of the gods," the man announced, "Let me give you both a cask. Uh... a gift!"

The man went to the back of his stall, retrieving a cask and handing it to Rakharo.

Suddenly, Jorah made his way back over. "Rakharo,  put down that cask," he said. "I have a thirst, open it," he continued.

Rakharo handed the cask back to merchant. "The wine is for the royal family. It's not for the likes of you," the wine seller protested.

Maehera wondered why the wine seller was so against letting Jorah tasre the wine... unless the wine seller didn't want any more dead bodies on his hands. She'd seen it happen before, when she was a little girl. She'd begged Robert to let her go out into the markets in Kings Landing, and he'd finally let her. She'd had an entourage of guards with her as a noble man had been poisoned by a wine seller, which had been preceded by the noble man's friend asking to try the wine. The guards had surrounded Maehera and escorted hee back to the palace immediately, not letting her see would have been a scarring scene for the young princess.

Now, the wine seller was in front of her, looking nervous as he brought the cup of wine up to his lips. However, he suddenly started running. Rakharo and Jorah were quick to react, chasing after the man.

In fear, Maehera clutched Daeron closer to her. Irri and Doreah ushered her and Daenerys out of the fray of the market, with other people running out of the area as well.

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