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Vaes Dothrak, 298 AC

SHE FELT LIKE A BLOATED WHALE, despite her bump barely showing. Maehera pushed her hands against the small of her back, cracking it before taking Viserys' hand as she stepped off of the cart. As they walked with the Dothraki khalasar, they could hear men sniggering at Viserys, calling him khal rhaggat. Out of the corner of her eye, Maehera could see the vein in Viserys' neck start to bulge as he sneered at those who called him 'the cart king'.

"Do not listen to them, you stayed on the cart with me because I asked you, for our son," Maehera rubbed his upper arm, another hand laying firmly on her small bump.

"She is carrying a daughter, he is too weak to give her a son," a passing bloodrider said to another bloodrider, the two laughing at the Targaryen's expense.

"They're laughing at me," Viserys scowled, directing a glare at the two Dothraki.

"They're laughing at their own idiocy," Maehera replied, pulling him away to where she had spotted Daenerys.

Winterfell, 298 AC

Mecca raised an eyebrow as she saw the raven-haired boy in the courtyard of the Northern castle from the upper walkway. The goblet of wine was lazily held in her hand until she decided to pour out the contents very close to the curly mop of hair.

Jon jumped to the side as a red liquid splattered against the floor next to him. Looking up, he saw mischievous purple eyes glowing at him. "You could've wet my hair, Mecca," Jon scowled before grinning widely. He ran towards the stairs, just as the purple-eyed girl began to run towards a door.

Just as Mecca pulled open the door, however, Jon grabbed her shoulders, pulling the dark-haired girl into a hug. "Where have you been? l haven't seen you in many, many moons," Jon asked, releasing the girl.

"Here and there," Mecca replied mysteriously, "Oh, and avoiding marriage".

Jon chuckled, if there was one thing that Mecca Sand hated it was the prospect of being married. The bastard girl was, and probably would always be, a free spirit.

"Tell me, my fellow bastard, how has your boring, confined life been since we last saw one another?" Mecca inquired, moving back towards the railing. Her gaze was directed towards out of Winterfell, towards the South. The girl was a Sand, Dornish-born, she never did thrive in the cold.

"Like you said, boring. It won't be soon, however. I am going to join the Night's Watch," Jon answered proudly.

Mecca's dark eyebrows furrowed together as turned to face him. "How would I see you then, cousin? They don't just let females come and visit, do they?" she asked, her purple eyes turning sad.

"I'm sure you'll find a way, you always do. Speaking of which, does Father know you're here?" Jon replied.

Mecca opened her mouth to reply, but closed it when the two got distracted by the gate opening. They probably would've missed whomever came through the gate if they hadn't been looking down from the balcony; the Lannister imp had come through, Mecca had just seen him before she decided to slip out the gate quickly before it closed.

She had wanted to tell Jon some interesting information she had found on her adventures, but she supposed it could wait.

Vaes Dothrak, 298 AC

The Sun beat down on their pale skin, leaving it red. She had been raised in Kings Landing, where it was warm but cool as the coastal breezes drifted in and out of the Red Keep. There had been a few days there where it had been too hot for the silver haired girl, often causing her to jump into the harbour with Tommen and Myrcella. However, those days seemed to be nothing compared to Vaes Dothrak.

Strands of her hair were plastered to her forehead and neck as she fanned herself with a grass fan.

"When do we leave this place? I want to go back home, or even Pentos, just anywhere cooler!" Maehera exclaimed.

"As soon as I get my army," Viserys replied from behind her, relishing in the cool air from Maehera's fan.

"I brought my jewels with me here, we can sell them and get another army. Fuck these Dothraki savages, you'd never be able to control them anyways. Let's just leave," Maehera pleaded.

Viserys looked down at her, her face was flushed red and her eyebrows were scrunched together in frustation. "You've never mentioned that you brought jewels, nor have I seen them before," Viserys raised an eyebrow, "Any other little things you've forgotten to tell me about? A fleet? An army?"

Maehera sat up abruptly, turning to look at him with a confused look on her face. "What use would I have had of a fleet or an army?" she replied.

"You should've told me about the jewels before I had to sell my sister to these savages," Viserys exclaimed. If it were possible, his face would've turned even more red.

"Well, you already have, your majesty," Maehera yelled, climbing on to her feet. She curtsied to him farcically before storming out of the tent.

Viserys sighed before scanning the contents of the tent. He would have to find the jewels, he couldn't stand the heat either.

Kings Road, 298 AC

"A message for you, my king," a messenger rode up to the king, a piece of parchment extended out in his hand.

Robert Baratheon snatched the paper from the boy. It had to be important if they had not waited for him to arrive back in Kings Landing.

Behind him, the carriage opened, the lioness queen stepping out. She was ready to ask why they had stopped when Robert suddenly through a crumpled piece of parchment into the mud at his feet. With a furious expression, he mounted his horse again.

Looking at the paper, Cersei quickly grabbed it before re-entering the carriage.

As she uncrumpled the note, she could feel the carriage jolt as it began to move.

Daenerys Targaryen has wed a Dothraki horselord and Princess Maehera is expecting her first child.

Cersei ripped the message into small pieces before throwing it out of the carriage.

"We're going to be big cousins?" a small voice asked from Cersei's side.

Myrcella and Tommen looked at their mother was a hopeful happiness in their eyes, a begging for confirmation that it was true. The lioness nodded, wrapping an arm around her youngest cub.

eep so this was shorter than i wanted (again), but at least it was over 1000 words. what do you think about Mecca ? She actually has quite a bit of importance. What do you think she knows ? How did she meet Jon ? (Are they actually cousins or does she call him that because they're both bastards?)

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