Chapter 5

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Reaper wasn't called out for this mission with Soap, Ghost, and Gaz, so I had to stay back and help out with a few electronic difficulties.
Maybe I shouldn't have lied about being a communication officer cauee now I'm practically working in that area now.
"Yes." I instantly answer Price.
"What did you say about the radio?"
"Oh, um. Ghost said that he could hear our line." I said, trying to keep my voice down.
Price snapped his head around to me and stood up, making him pretty intimating.
"Do you know what he heard?" His says with a demanding tone.
"He just said that he heard our voices."
"And what did you say?"
This felt like it was becoming into something extremely bug. Bigger, then it should be.
"I told him that I'm a communication officer. I make sure that everything is communicating and functioning properly." I said, making myself seem submissive and stupid.
He made a sound, a sound of somewhat approval, and went back to what he was doing.

"What?" He answered with a strong tone, obviously annoyed.
I wanted to know more and the truth about why I have to keep my identity hidden. So I went for it.
"Why is it that I have to keep Reaper and me separate? You've given me a reason, but I don't see it as a formal or reasonable excuse."
Price stopped his movement but didn't turn around, showing he's somewhat listening.
"I signed up to be on duty, to serve my country, to be challenged and to be disciplined. I don't see the point in hiding from my own team, sir." I continued on my point.
I didn't know whether it was the right thing to do, but I know I'm standing up for what I believe in.
He stayed in his place for a while, obviously thinking about what else to say or to even say anything at all.

"Look, Y/N." He started
"I don't know why, but sheaperd told me to keep you and Reaper separate. And I'm not about to argue with him and lose my job." He told me and continued what he was doing.
Why would sheaperd want me separate anyway?
"I doubt you'll lose your job for something like that." I stated.
"Maybe a demotion or a punishment, but you won't just lose your job. Your team captain. And there was no need to lie the first time I asked." I finished.
I was somewhat hurt, but I guess I somewhat understood the reasons behind his choice.
"I didn't lie to you, Y/N." Price started.
"I asked sheaperd why, and that's exactly what he said. All I did was repeat." He told me as he was fixing something.
I didn't answer him; I just nod my head, and I left the room.

----------------------Time Skip--------------------

"Y/N! What are you doing?" Soap yelled put from across the room. It's always him finding me. Not that I'm disappointed just. Why always him?
"I'm just having a look at these controls. Captian said some parts are dirty, so they need a clean out." I told him while looking behind at him.
He sat down next to me, examining what I was doing.
I moved wires and plugs about trying to find what the problem was.
I decided to close the hatch after a few minutes of searching since I couldn't find anything.
"What did you find?" Soap said, letting his accent our stronger than usual.
I jumped a little since I forgot he was next to me.
"I didn't find anything. I sure it was dust that got somewhere it shouldn't be." I explained.
Soap nod his head totally clueless.

Soap got up and started walking with me down the hallway.
"Where's Ghost?" I blatantly, not thinking about what I was saying, almost regretting it instantly
"He's with Gaz. They're just shooting at stuff, really. Nothing special." He said nothing, thinking why I asked.
"I can take you there. Practice shooting."
"There's nothing else to do. But I don't think Ghost will be too happy."
"Aw well. He's not the whole platoon. No need to worry."
But I do worry. I worry a lot while around him. I don't want to feel how I feel about him.
My thoughts run wild, making me forget I was walking with soap.
"Y/N! Geez. Thought I lost you there." He chuckled.
"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking." I answered him, looking around to see where I was
"It's fine. I was just asking where you from?"

His eyes shifted to me, changing his question since I didn't answer.
"Your cheek is looking a little worse. Hope yoi get that checked out." He said, pointing at the dried blood on my face.
"Yea. I didn't know it was bleeding. So I just had to ignore it." I replied holding my cheek.
I could feel him looking down on me as we walked out of the building.

"Do you want to answer my question from before. You around England"
"Scotland. Actually."
"Oh. Didn't know that. Where about? Glasgow."
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know. Many English folks move to Glasgow."
"What, your saying I had the money. Ha I wish."
"Well you do seem like a lass with class. Where are you from then?"
"I move between Mallaig and Arisaig."
"Oh near Skye?"
"Yea, the Inverness Shire."
"I never thought of you being a highland lass. Ever been to the beaches there? Heard they were like heaven."
"Living in Mallaig is like living at the beach."
"I guess your right."
"Your from around Dundee right."
"How could you tell?"
"Your accent. Gives it away to me."

"What are you two doing!?" A foreign voice was heard.

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