Chapter 20

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"Y/N! Come on now." I was woken by the sound of soaps demand as he nudged me.
I opened my eyes as I looked around to see nearly everyone here.
Captain Price, soap, Alejandro, gaz, Ghost and almost the entire Mexican special forces.
I felt the atmosphere and it wasn't pleasant at all.
"Who the hell is this?" Alejandro demanded to know as he pointed his gun at me.
"Weapon down now. It's Reaper, no point in hiding identities now." Price said with a anger that I've never heard before.
"Wait. She's Reaper?" Gaz said in a shock.
"Quiet!" Price yelled out.
He placed a brick laptop on the table and started working on something.

"You hid this. Why?" He instantly said as the light from the screen grew brighter.
"We all keep secrets, Captain." Sheperds voice echoed through the laptop.
"Why the hell wasn't I informed?"
"Consider yourself well informed now, John."
"Oh, thats really fuckin' helpful, general. Thank you. Bur your a day late and a missile short." I have never heard the anger in his voice before. I'm sure Simon understood what I was feeling since he walked to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
I'm use to kindness by Simon, not ghost however.
"There's three of them- we only found two." Price continued.
"Then point yourself in that direction and fix it."
"And who fixes you, eh?"
"I don't need fixing. I'm a patriot protecting my country."
"Your protecting your own ass." Price got up out of the chair and started pacing around, seeing the anger grow all in him.
"I do what needs to be done and no one hold me down with a roll of red tape. I know what's best for the cause."
"You've lost your mind, general." Price laughed as he walked back to the laptop.
"And you've forgotten what you're fighting for, John. To do good you gotta do some bad, when we shit we bury it, that's how it works."
"Yeah. But we don't bury each other with it do we?"
"You need to turn off that side of your head and face down the real enemy." Price lent over to the screen of the laptop.
"You need to call off your Shadow."
Laughing was heard coming from the laptop, everyone knowing what's about to happen.

"He's a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you don't try and take it."
"This is your last chance to change your mind."
"Then what?"
"Then after I go for him, I'm coming for you."
After that, Price slams his laptop close and looked up to each on of us.

Alejandro walked towards a large door revealing a whole new room full of army Jeeps.
I manage to pick myself up from the chair, feeling no pain thanks to the Ketamine. I followed the group into the room, feeling Ghost follow me from behind.
Alejandro lead the way as he called out to his soliders.
We huddled around another table together as we disgusted the plans.

"Alright, listen." Price called out.
"We are taking back your HQ. We are getting our prisoners, we are killing commander Graves." Price explained with his stern voice.
"When?" Rodolfo asked.
"Now." Ghost interrupted.
"This is a fight against our own. We are not 141 and Los Vaqueros on this.
Where a team..." Price continued.
I was nudged alittle closer to Price as Ghost reached down and grabbed a bag, pouring a bunch of masks on the table which looked like mine.
Ghost turned to me and handed the exact one I used throughout my missions.
I looked up at his eyes in confusion, but he gave me a signal to concentrate back at price.
"...Ghost team." Price continued.
As price said that, Ghost pulled his mask off showing everyone who Simon is.
"Good to see you again, Simon." Price said with appreciation in his eyes.
He placed his hat on the table and continued.
"If you're in, take a mask. If your not, don't."

I looked down at my mask and looked back up to see nearly everyone had a mask on at this point. But as soon as I was about to put the mask back on i was interrupted.
"Reaper!" Price said.
"Come here. Follow me first."he walked to one side of the room where everyone else could see too.
There was a tarp over a large peice of weaponry.
As he pulled the tarp off of it her said.
"This is for you."
I felt my eyes light up with excitement.

"No way!" I say under my breath.
I walked toward the gun I was greeted with, as I did so Price continued.
"The team got it. Well, stole it. But we all know ew how much Reaper could work a rifle. Here's one of the best. The-" "CheyTac M200." I interrupted his speech.
"One of the best rifles. I've always dreamt on working with one." I said as I picked the gun up.
It was pretty heavy, bit they were made for long distance camping and rangers.
"I've only ever worked with the Barrett's."
"Well, we all thought that Reaper should have a update. Alejandro took that opportunity to take it." Price explained.
I couldn't describe how happy and excited I was to work with such a gun. But I know I was ready for it.

"Ready, Reaper?" Price asked.
I slipped the mask on my face and told him

"Ready then I'll ever be."

The Reaper《Ghost x Reader》1Where stories live. Discover now