Chapter 17. Stay Away.

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"Hey where's Boss did you seen him somewhere I'm not able to find him?" Namjoon asked from the beta who is busy typing some emails in his laptop still sitting in Kim's corporations conference room.

"He said he needs to make some calls, so he might be on the terrace or somewhere to complete his calls." Jin replied Namjoon without sparing him a glance.

Namjoon feels offended by the elders response so he stomped his feet and sit beside him. "Hyung why you're not considering my purposel, you didn't even answer me yet whether you are interested in me or not!!"

Jin sighed loudly while taking off his spectacles and put them securely away from Namjoon as he already broke so many of his glasses before.

Namjoon traces all of his hyungs actions sharply.

"Namjoon I had already told you that I need some time to think about it as you know, you're younger then me and on top of that an Alpha, usually Alpha's tend to fall for Omega's but you're considering me as your partner so please give me some time as I want to be sure about us and also wants to give you some time to reconsider your choices."
Jin explains him wisely. But the Alpha in front of him is so stubborn to understand the situation easily.

"Hyung I love you and this theory that Alpha only loves Omega is not true history has proven that Beta's and Alpha's can also be a partners so please rethink about it again hyung." Namjoon stated and left the conference room with moist eyes.

Jin released the sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Brat!!! I love you too but what if all of this is just infatuation and not love that's why I want to give you some time to think... stupid Alpha." Jin mumbled to himself and again wears his spectacles and starts working on the emails.


"J...Jungkook I think you should leave.." Jimin stuttered and avoiding all of Jungkook's questions he wiggled in his Alpha's embrace to stand back on his feet and tried to pulled out from his Alpha's strong arms but when Jungkook felt what the Omega was doing he possessively tightened his grip around his waist and looked at Jimin confusingly.

Jimin put both of his palms on Jungkook's firm chest and tried to push him but Jungkook frowns at sudden change in Jimin's behavior he couldn't hold the discomfort in his heart as he burst out angrily

" What is wrong with you Jimin why are you suddenly behaving like this? And I have asked you a question why are you not answering me!!" Jungkook growls at Jimin and hold his tiny hands with his one hand and pulled him closer with his other one.

Tears streamed down from his green eyes but he didn't avert his gaze from the Alpha.

" JUNGKOOK I SAID LEAVE ME!!! I'M NOT A TOY TO USED BY YOU ALPHA'S THE WAY YOU WANT.." Jimin screams at the top of his lungs.

Jungkook's hold on Jimin's waist and hands got loose and Jimin took the chance and pulled himself out of his grip and stands far away from him and crossed his arms in front of his chest he rest his back on the mirror behind him as his legs were shaking frantically and he don't know when his body will betray him so he tried his best to look composed and confident in front of his Alpha trying hard to not melt down again in those doe eyes holding lots of pain and looking at his direction.

"J..Jimin what h...happened baby please tell me and p..please don't push me away from you I..I don't know what I will do without you..." Jungkook exclaimed while stepping forward slowly towards Jimin with little grabby hands like a baby and Jimin's heart twitched in his chest with painful beats.
He closed his eyes tightly because he loves the Alpha in front of him he knows his heart is beating for this person only and seeing him vulnerable is too painful for him..

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