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Married Brothers
9:15 AM

Luisito Gomez
Kumusta naman ang Cebu, pre?


Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Good so far. It's always the same when I'm with Aurelia.

Luisito Gomez

Buti na lang tapos na ako sa phase na 'yan, pre. Tho masasabi kong worth it din naman. I love seeing my kids running around the house.

Kiro Morishita
Tulungan niyo na lang ako kapag magbalak nang magpamilya ang asawa ko. Wala pa ring balak eh.

So far, Cy. Wala namang weird cravings?


Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Good thing there's nothing else other than the grapes that she was craving for. Sana lang hindi umatake ang cravings niya in the middle of the night.

Kiro Morishita
Bakit? Hindi mo hahanapin? HAHAHA

Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Hahanapin naman. That's my wife. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

But sometimes her midnight cravings are the worst, dude. Mas malala pa kesa sa pancakes na pinahanap niya sa'kin last time.

Luisito Gomez
I tell you, dude. Everything will be worth it when your wife gives birth.

But you still have a long way to go, though. Two months pa lang na buntis ang asawa mo.


Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Whatever comes our way, I'll go and do it.

Gano'n siguro talaga kapag mahal mo.

Kiro Morishita
Ah. To be married like this.

Luisito Gomez
I just hope your wife will plan on having a family with you too, Kiro. Haha. For now, be the Ninong/Tito who spoils my children.

Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Damn, man.

She's got cravings again.

And it's weird. Again.

Luisito Gomez
Drop mo na HAHAHAHA

Kiro Morishita
Go man 😂

Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
She's craving for hotdogs and this time, she wants to dip it in vinegar 😰

That's okay for me. If only she didn't want the hotdogs from Manila.

I mean, we're in Cebu, dude! 🥲
[😂] 2

Kiro Morishita
Don't tell her. I'll take care of that, haha. I'll tell Hana too.

Luisito Gomez
Pregnant wives sometimes has the ability to detect whether their husband got their cravings for them. I hope Aurelia doesn't discover that you're sending it.

Kiro Morishita
Kesa naman pumunta pa ng Manila si Cyrus, pare HAHAHAHA

Cyrus Julien Ricaforte
Please take care of it, man. Ako na bahalang magpaliwanag.


Kiro Morishita
'Ge. Will update you.

Luisito Gomez
Good luck, man 😅

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