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Aurelia Louise Sacuesa - Ricaforte
11:10 PM

Aurelia Louise
Bebi, wake up. I want to eat something.




Mahal ko



Gutom na ako :(

Kanina pa kita ginigising, huhu.


1:23 AM

Cyrus Julien
Love, where are you?

It's 1 in the morning and you're pregnant. It's not safe for you to be alone outside especially because we're not in Manila.

Answer my calls, baby.

Aurelia, come on. I'm getting worried.

Loml, please.


3:45 AM

Aurelia Louise

Cyrus Julien
Where are you?

Aurelia Louise
I went out to eat, hehe. Nasa lobby na ako ng hotel but I have a lot of food with me. Can you please fetch me here?

Cyrus Julien
Baby what you did was dangerous. Kanina pa kita hinahanap.

I was freaking worried!

Aurelia Louise
I'm sorry 😔

I just couldn't ignore my cravings. I badly wanted waffles and lugaw but you were sleeping heavily.

I couldn't answer your calls din because I was busy eating. I'm so sorry, bebi.

Cyrus Julien
Hays, Aurelia.

Wait for me. I'm still outside looking for you. Don't leave the lobby until I get there, okay? Please.

Aurelia Louise
Yes bebi. Dito lang ako. Take care.

I love you.

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