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Some info
Jungkook is the Taehyung's right hand man and he is twenty three years old, had a horrible childhood with ignorant parents but learned how to fight early
Taehyung is a powerful mob boss leader yet arrogant and shows no mercy to those who betray him he is twenty six

A/N: I will be deleting the huntsman's lover, I just found no energy to no longer write it, I'm sorry and I hope you all could enjoy this one better thank you ♡︎

' The man I'm in love with has a scar on his right eye and will never love someone who's a man '

One rainy afternoon in Seoul, Taehyung had a lit cigarette in his mouth before blowing out the smoke from his parted lips

" V, didn't think you'd show up " One of the men say

" Didn't believe you'd be idiotic enough to show up either " Taehyung says with the cigarette in his mouth

" Huh? "

The guy then suddenly gets kicked in the groin as he falls down coughing looking up at the older's right hand man looking back at him

" Jeon, finish it up then head back "

" Got it, V "

" You rat! Letting your right hand man do all the dirty work! " The guy says before jungkook steps on his throat before taking out a blade

" This should shut you up. " Jungkook says stabbing his throat before leaving him to bleed out before placing his hand in his pocket taking out a flash drive and cleans the blood from his blade before putting it back

" Someone's feeling frisky " Jimin replies

" Probably you "

" Just saying, you don't usually kill so softly "

" Do you suppose I use a gun and give myself away? "

" Fair enough "

They headed back as the older looked through paperwork slightly annoyed before jungkook knocks before coming in

" V, I found this in the fucks pocket " Jungkook says holding a flash drive before placing it on his desk then the older picks it up

" Well, well look at you searching, nice job Jeon " Taehyung says with a small grin

" Joohyun also called "

" That whore again? " Taehyung says sitting on his office seat with a slight eye roll

" Your dick must be that good " Jungkook replies sitting on his desk moving his hair back

" We didn't fuck, She wants to though but I have no use for her " Taehyung says before looking at the younger's waist then lights a smoke " Plus I rather fuck a body like yours "

" There you go with those jokes again " Jungkook replies with a eye roll as Taehyung had a smirk on his lips

" Nothing gets past you, Jeon. "


The younger was sixteen and started fighting at that age but improved quickly and that's how he would earn money for himself

One day, he was in a fighting stance before punching the guy he was up against and pinned down as taehyung came in having his pockets in his hands watching from afar

[COMPLETED] Feels like hell || TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now