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As the younger got thrown to the ground by the older, taehyung lights a cigarette in his mouth then jungkook looks at him angrily

" You sneaky son of a-! "

" Watch your mouth, Jeon "

Jungkook gets up before tripping the older but then taehyung grabs his both his legs before pulling them around his neck as the younger blushed gulping

" Still slow " The older says stroking the younger's thigh softly as jungkook gulped moving his legs

" Okay, enough I got it "

The next day, Jungkook was exercising flexing his back before stretching and wipes the sweat off his face with a towel grabbing a water bottle opening it and drinking it

The younger bends over on the exercise equipment looking at his phone thinking as he remembers

" Still slow " Taehyung says stroking the younger's thigh with his fingertips softly


" Fuck.. " The younger says having a daydream biting his lip

Taehyung places his hands on his hips from behind as the younger bites his lip then the older places his clothed cock on the younger's ass from behind

" Jeon.. let me fuck you hard and fast, just how you like it.. " Taehyung whispers in the younger's earlobe

Jungkook suddenly stood up taking off his clothes and Taehyung's smashing their lips against each other until the older rips off his clothes sucking on his neck and leaving wet kisses


" Ugh, I need some dick.. " Jungkook says in annoyance before heading to his bedroom to shower

The younger notices the older outside smoking a cigarette thinking about to go to him then hides quickly

A girl shows up as she kisses him deeply licking his tongue before they head upstairs to the older's bedroom

The younger sighs heading into his bedroom and gets in the shower before walking out dressed comfortably before getting a text on his phone

Hey jungkook, you up for a date?

Jungkook 💕
Sure, let me get dressed

Alright, I'll send you the address and I'll meet you there

" If V can have fun, I will too " Jungkook says then heads to his closet getting dressed taking a picture of himself in the mirror moving his hair back

" If V can have fun, I will too " Jungkook says then heads to his closet getting dressed taking a picture of himself in the mirror moving his hair back

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