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" Why are you here? " Jungkook says with slight annoyance

" You know why, let's go. I'm not taking no for an answer "

" well too bad, my friend is driving me home "

" Either you walk or I carry you, Jeon. It's your choice "

After a few minutes, yugyeom came out as he held his bag noticing the note on the table looking at it

' Left with an old Friend, will be back home soon '

Meanwhile with taehyung, the older takes them somewhere secluded as the younger was sobering up sighing

" Why couldn't you just leave me alone? " Jungkook says

" You know me better than that, Jeon "

As they arrived, they both stepped out the car as the younger was looking at the view of Seoul then Taehyung was behind him

" What's going on? "

" I'm not telling, I'm heading home " Jungkook says about to go get his phone until taehyung pulled him back

" You're in some sort of danger, aren't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't be pushing me away right now "

" I'm not, just get out of my face. Go have your wedding and forget about me "

" I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the reason. "

" I said I wasn't saying anything, now get off me! "

" What is it that you keep trying to hide?! You can't tell me is that it? "

Tears started to form in the younger's ears looking down as he bit his lip slightly then Taehyung looked at him

" Please Tell me Jungkook, I will get married if you just admit that you don't want me in your life anymore "

The younger tried getting off the older as taehyung held on tightly to his arms then after some struggling, taehyung fell back and jungkook fell on top of him

" Ouch, is it that secretive that you can't tell me? " Taehyung says as the younger lifted up his head tears rolling down his cheeks

" I wish I could tell you, V.. but I can't.. " Jungkook says secretly taking out his blade in tears

" I know, I messed up your trust in me.. I know you hate me but I still care and love you Jungkook.. nothing will change that "

" Even if I have to kill you? " Jungkook says lifting up the blade as taehyung sighs softly looking at it

" Go ahead.. what's worth living if I don't have you? "

" Shut up.. "

" At least I get to die seeing you one last time.. "

" SHUT UP! I'll cut your throat! Slit it in half and kill you! " The younger one says in tears while his hand is shaking

" You're so beautiful, Jeon.. "

After a few seconds, one of jungkook's tears dropped on the older's face as he dropped the blade in sobs

" I can't do it.. no matter what you've done, even after two long years of preparing for this, I can't do it.. I can't kill the love of my life.. I just can't and won't.. "

Taehyung sits up quickly wrapping his arms around the younger in a warm tight embrace holding him close before jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck hugging each other tightly

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