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Jungkook had a lit cigarette in his mouth as he waited patiently for a target then holds his weapon then before blowing out a whiff of smoke from his parted lips

" Remember your cue, JK " One of Kai's men say

" Yeah I got it, I'm just waiting " Jungkook replies boredly

It's been two years since he last saw taehyung though he didn't want to see him at all but he never forgot about the pain he went through because of him

Once the target showed up. Jungkook aimed directly at the person before shooting them through the head as the body fell

" nice work, I can see why you'd still be in this line of work " Kai says behind the younger as jungkook walked passed him finishing up the mission

Afterwards, the younger gave the weapon back to the people in charge of them then he sighs moving his dark brown hair back

" Someone's a little distracted " Kai says wrapping an arm around the younger's waist as jungkook shoved his arm away

" I agreed to work for you, not be your slut "

" Can't you do both? You have the body to definitely be one "

" No thanks, I'm leaving make sure you send the money to my account "

" Got it " Kai says as he watches the younger leave whistling " V, I can see why you kept him hidden "

The younger got on his motorbike putting his helmet on before driving back home. Once he arrived, the younger used his apartment key to open his door then saw the lights were off

" Yugyeom? Did you go to work? " Jungkook says turning on the lights as yugyeom surprised him with a small birthday party dinner

" Happy birthday koo and you think I'd forget? "

" We don't have to celebrate my birthday every year, you know? "

" Well too bad, we're celebrating anyway so suck it up " Yugyeom says pulling him in as jungkook looks at him smiling

" Thanks yugyeom, I really appreciate it "

" Of course, you're my best friend " Yugyeom says

As they ate and chatted, the younger smiled to himself then yugyeom looks over to him while eating as they drink alcohol together

They end up getting drunk and wasted as yugyeom was still slightly sober watching the younger laughing

" You know yugyeom.. I really liked him.. " Jungkook says drunk and slurred

" Who did you like? Your ex boyfriend? "

" Yeah.. but he didn't feel the same.. I liked him so much.. but he left me.. "

" Hey, you don't need him. There's plenty of other guys besides him "

" We were talking about living together and having a family.. why did we not get married..? " Jungkook says tearing up

" Alright koo, you had one too many come on off to bed "

Yugyeom helps him get cleaned up and laid him in bed before covering him letting him sleep it off then walks out shutting the door behind him

The next day, the younger had a day off as he headed downstairs in his sweatshirt and sweatpants then had a headache holding his head

" Morning sleepyhead, coffee? " Yugyeom says giving him a mug as jungkook thanks him before taking it drinking it laying back on the counter " how's your hangover? "

" Awful, remind me to never drink that much " Jungkook replies smiling to himself

" Koo, do you want to talk about your old relationship? Seems to me, you're still not over it "

" Oh I'm so over it, don't worry I was just really drunk and emotional that's all " Jungkook says clearing his throat drinking his coffee

" Mhm, I believe you. I think this breakup hurt more than mingyu "

" It kind of did.. but I'm better now and I'm ready to move on "

" I believe you koo, get dressed we're heading out to do a little shopping " Yugyeom says

" Got it " Jungkook replies smiling softly before looking down at the floor

Meanwhile with Taehyung, he was with his uncle in a meeting room as the older was gloomed hardly smiled and had an engagement ring on his left ring finger

" This suits you better, my boy. A wealthy business, a beautiful future wife, a stable life what more could you want? " His uncle says

The older drinks his alcohol from his glass cup before looking out the window as his uncle scoffed

" Don't tell me, you're still thinking about that boy you killed two years ago " His uncle says

" I loved him.. truly I did.. he made me happy "

" Now stop that crying, now look at this looking at this should make you happy " His uncle replies showing him a suitcase full of money as taehyung got up from his seat and kept looking out the window looking down

" You're acting as if that boy was your first love, don't be idiotic you have a perfect life right now "

" Uncle you don't fucking get it.. money and women might make you happy but it isn't what I wanted.. "

" It's been two years, what the hell would make you so happy? "

" A family with him.. being married and having a child with him or just being with him is enough for me "

His uncle gets up and slaps him across the face as Taehyung sighs softly looking down

" Listen you brat, he's dead and you will stay with the woman you decided to marry. He's never coming back so watch your mouth "

He then walks out the room as taehyung leaned back before sliding down against the wall looking down at the floor in slight pain

" Tch.. "

His fiancé, Tzuyu goes inside checking on her future husband as she crosses her arms

" What are you doing on the floor? "

" Nothing " Taehyung says standing back up sighing

" Let's go shopping for my wedding dress, honey. I was waiting for you to finish your conversation with your uncle "

" I have work to do, go with your mom.. " Taehyung says walking passed her as he heads to the office shutting the door behind him then goes to his desk pouring a glass of alcohol drinking it all

" Give him time, my dear. He'll marry you soon " Taehyung's uncle says as she rolls her eyes leaving


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