🝮 21 🝮

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The next few days, they kept their relationship private and away from Yunho but the younger wanted to show his boyfriend off but couldn't

Jungkook was working out in the training room wearing a t-shirt and sweats while his mind went somewhere else not noticing his boyfriend coming in

Taehyung made sure nobody came in before going behind the younger and giving him a slight kiss on his cheek

" I was thinking we'd head out tonight on a date " Taehyung says leaning back on the wall watching him exercise

" I'll pass, I have things to do " Jungkook replies

" Like? "

" I have to go to yugyeom's bar and see him, it's been days since we've hung out "

" Right, forgot about your outsider friend "

" He's not an outsider, he just doesn't really know my line of work that's all "

" Yeah I know baby, alright we'll reschedule date night for another day "

" I'll meet you in your bedroom tonight after I get home " Jungkook says teasingly smiling

" That'll be fun " Taehyung replies with a small smirk kissing his lips before pulling away leaving

Jungkook keeps exercising as he watches his boyfriend leave sighing softly then finishes up before heading to his bedroom to head in the shower

The younger opens his bedroom door walking in and someone closes it behind him as jungkook sighs

" What do you want, Yunho? "

" Clever, I'm onto you. What's your relationship between V and you? "

" None of your fucking business but he has fucked me twice if that's what your asking "

" You think you're funny? He's mine, stay away from him "

" Hey Yunho, I'll do what I want. He isn't yours to own so watch yourself or who knows, he might get stolen from you that easily "

" Watch your mouth! I'm his future husband! So you respect me! "

" How can I respect you if you don't even respect yourself? You groveled to your knees to him "

" So! That doesn't mean I don't respect myself! "

" Says a lot about you, so what happens when you meet his so called partner? "

" They'll die from my hands, I'll make sure of it. "

" Good luck with that so if you don't mind, get out "

Yunho leaves in annoyance as jungkook closed the door rolling his eyes before grabbing his clothes and heading in the shower

Jungkook gets out the shower drying his wet hair with a towel clothed as taehyung knocks before heading inside closing the door behind him looking at the younger

" Hey baby, you look beautiful " Taehyung says smiling " what did you tell Yunho? "

" Nothing did you come here tell me I'm beautiful or to question me? "

" Both, what did you say baby? "

" Nothing just that he has no self respect for himself and he said he was your future husband, he gets on my nerves I wish I could just- "

" Aw, are you jealous? " Taehyung says with a small smile on his face

" How could I not be? My dumb boyfriend has a side piece for information, that side piece is willing to suck your dick at the name of your command so yeah not just jealous but I don't like him "

" Baby, I promise you this is only temporary and plus not like I have feelings for him "

" I know but never mind.. I'm just gonna head on out already " Jungkook says putting on his shoes as Taehyung lifts up his leg kneeling down to him tying his shoes

" Baby, I know you hate Yunho but let me just get useful information from him then I'll let you kill him sounds good? " Taehyung replies tying his shoes before kissing his leg

" Okay fine " The younger says blushing lightly before the older set his leg down before standing back up

" Good boy, I'll be waiting for you to come home " Taehyung replies kissing his lips gently before walking out as the younger covered his face laying back on his bed

Jungkook grabbed his helmet and keys before heading out to his motorbike as Yunho stopped him before he left

" Don't come back early, I'm going to have fun with V in his bedroom or office or floor whichever comes first " Yunho says smirking at the older

Jungkook ignored him and walked passed him hitting his shoulder on the way out before going on his motorbike sitting down on it and turning it on

" I can't wait to kill that son of a bitch " Jungkook says putting his helmet on before leaving

He arrived a couple of minutes later as he parked his motorbike and then headed inside moving his hair back

" Kook! Come over here! " Yugyeon says waving his arm as the younger goes over smiling

" Hey yugyeom, I have news for you " Jungkook replies sitting beside him smiling

" I can't wait to hear it " Yugyeom says before asking his bartender for one of jungkook's regulars before passing it to him

" So I've got a boyfriend " Jungkook says taking a sip of his alcohol smiling

Yugyeom spits out his drink coughing in shock before putting his drink back clearing his throat

" You got a boyfriend?! Who is it?! Is it someone I know? Come on you gotta tell me! "

" Okay promise you won't say nothing " Jungkook says smiling softly

" Come on tell me! It's about time you had another boyfriend after that asshole Ming- "

" mingyu yeah I know he was a big asshole but don't worry I'll never see him again "

" Tell me who your boyfriend is "

" So you remember my boss? "

" Oh that hot guy you brought over? No way! Don't tell me that you two are a couple! "

" Shh we are, but it's kinda private since something personal is going on "

" Aw, how's the relationship going on then? "

" It's fine besides this bitch crushing on him "

" claim your boyfriend kook " Yugyeom says drinking his alcohol smiling

" I'm trying but other than that, he's super loving and sweet but we haven't spent much time together since he's working half the time "

" Try to settle date nights whenever you both aren't busy with work "

" I'll try " Jungkook says drinking his alcohol smiling

Meanwhile with Taehyung and Yunho, Yunho tried seducing the older any chance he got but the older had no interest

" Fuck off, I'm not in the mood "

" We haven't had sex since the last two weeks! All because you're dating someone! "

" That's how it will stay, I don't plan on cheating on them! "

" Tch, you're being selfish V " Yunho says leaving


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