Keep Running

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He couldn't contain his excitement

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He couldn't contain his excitement.

Right after the final shoot, he quickened his pace to the bus, casually waving to his fans. He said "go home everyone!" through his mask but nobody heard.

He had a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his lips. No one saw.

He took out his phone once he settled on his seat. Jason glanced at him and smirked. "She knows you are coming. Do you need to text her again?"

Grinning behind his mask, Zheyuan nodded and started texting.

"Shen Yue, see you tomorrow!"

Earlier yesterday, he was in his make-up room when Director Li popped in and sat at the chair next to him. All the other staff were busy arranging his clothes and he was reading his script.

"Zheyuan, I don't know if you want to do this but..." she trailed off as he looked at her quizzically. She smiled "....there is an opening for Keep Running guest on the second day. Since we're still filming, I told them I will discuss with you."

His eyes went wide. "You mean the show where Shen Yue is invited too?" He had read about the announcement on his birthday and secretly thought how nice it would be to join her in the show.

Director Li slapped his arm lightly, "Of course! Why did you think I ask you? It's Yue Yue we're talking about! I had enough of you pouting and sighing each time when we mention Beijing."

His ears turned red. "I didn't!"

"Did you think I was blind? Even if I was blind, I'm not deaf. If you decided to join KR, it would take you away from filming which means you need to extend a few more days...I can arrange your solo filming later... that is....if you want to go....."

"I will do it" he interrupted Director Li.

Blood was gushing through his veins, his heart pumping hard. What are the chances? He must be stupid to even think of missing this opportunity.

"Okay great! Also your showing up will give comfort to fans of My Villain Boyfriend. They will love to see both of you again."

He nodded, his mind was already wandering to Sanming.

"Zheyuan.....Zheyuan! Oi!" Director Li clapped her hand and saw how red his face is this time. She knew this look. It was his infamous dazed, "wandering off" expression.

"You have heavy scenes tomorrow before you please prepare yourself.  Also, the KR organizers want to keep you as a surprise guest. They will announce you on the morning you show up. Meanwhile, please keep it under wraps."

Zheyuan nodded, understanding the protocol too well. He didn't want to announce it too soon, just in case, his fans would think he was doing this for her. 

Even though that was the truth. I have to protect Shen Yue. 

Director Li stood up and patted his shoulder "Send my regards to Yue Yue. Do you want me to tell her team or you want to inform her by yourself?"

He swallowed his saliva, feeling a little bashful all of the sudden. Why would he feel shy meeting her again? Wasn't it what he wanted?

Director Li seemed to read his mind. "Well, officially we don't need to inform her since it's an invitation from KR. But it will be good for YOU to tell her. Time to go to your Nan Xing!"

He nodded. That was fair enough.

That day was super hectic. He had a very heavy emotional scene with Zhao Lu Si and a few solo scenes. By the time they finished, it was almost 11pm.

He kept glancing at his watch in between takes. If they started their journey at midnight, he could at least reach there by 5am and still have time for breakfast and freshening up.

This time I'm going to her. I will make up to her for Beijing.

He saw her disappointment (even through that lovely smile) during the livestream and had kept her words in his heart ever since. He apologized sincerely but it still did not make up the regret he felt.

The last time they met during their song recording, she said "this will be the last time we'll meet in our lifetime."

Did she know that my heart broke a little?

His eyes went red as he patted her head and side hugged her. He saw her get into her van before climbing into his, retreating into the corner and looking out of the window, without a word spoken. Jason asked if he was okay when he started sniffing but he just nodded.

"I will be okay." He told himself firmly.

It had been 4 months since they met face-to-face. He should catch a quick nap on the bus. He needed enough energy for the show. He needed to be 100% present with her. He was not going to miss out moments like this.

There are not many moments in recent years which are significant to him. Filming Mr Bad had been a blessing in disguise.

Every morning he looked forward to filming scenes with her. She always made the atmosphere better with her contagious laughter and her cute antics.

He was bowled over by her beauty. Her eyes speak a thousand words. They were so mesmerizing that he could not stop his heart from racing.

He felt proud that he could teach her how to act coquettishly. When she accepted his idea about the fart for the sleep scene, he was surprisingly delighted.

Is this girl for real?

Tomorrow seemed like a far distance but I'm getting closer to her. Shen Yue, I'm coming for you.


Hope you like this one. 🙂💛💙
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