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"Do you want coffee? I'm making some for myself." Yue asked, glancing over to Yuan who was deep in his script-reading. He looked up and mumbled "okay". She smiled. He could be so engrossed that he would shut out the world around him.

Ever since New Year, he had been coming to her apartment. They hang out, chatted, watched some dramas together and he would be reading his script while she read hers. Both were getting ready for their next roles.

They were entering their second month of courtship and as Yue insisted, they took it slow.

She glanced at him again, his soft hair casted down right above his eyebrows. He looked so boyish like Zhou Siyue, but his baby face had somewhat transformed into a mature young man. He still acted like a baby sometimes but...she loves it.

There is something in him that she saw and it's something that gives her the courage to start this relationship. She feels secure each time she's with him. She feels that she could trust him. Trust is so important for her and he knows it.

He keeps affirming her in his own ways.

"Yue! Your dumplings are so good! You can sell them!"

"Shen laoshi, your last vlog was very well edited. I really like it. When are you teaching me?"

"Yue Yue, you looked really pretty on Keep Running. Especially when I was blowing your bangs." She hit his shoulder at that remark and he laughed.

"Why are you dreaming, Shen laoshi?"

She looked up from the cups of coffee. Yuan had walked over to her unknowingly and gazing down at her. His eyes looked a little tired but there was spark in them.

"Nothing. Just thinking about us."

She shuddered when he leaned down, placing his hand over hers. "It's our second month anniversary. What do you want to do tonight?" He asked gently. "I have done my script reading for today." Yawning, he added. "I need a distraction." He turned to look at her again. "You're a good distraction."

She laughed, smacking his arm.

"Do you like long drives, Yue?" She nodded. How did he know?

"Great. Let's take a long drive. Pack light. We can sleep at wherever we end up at."

Her heart leaped. That sounded so adventurous. "Okay, I'll go pack now. You drink your coffee."

"Yue! Did you forget something?" He pouted, pointing to his cheek. She sighed. Why did she date a whiny baby? She tiptoed and pecked his cheek.

"Much better. You can go now, lao po!"

"Lao po?!!"

He smirked. "I think that suits you much, much better."



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