chapter 16:

46 0 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Krupinski kanno & nikka watch over hikari & cipher while Georgetee reports to commander rall.

Krupinski leans on the demon lord. But Nikka grab her removing her husband away.

Krupinski's idea is to kiss but nikka points her gun.

Nikka: en halua suudella miestäni.  & sairastua😡

Krupinski: chill chill

Kanno: were not gonna use vodka or beer. Watch them silently

Nikka: do you have a problem with my tradition

As nikka comes in with a hot teapot to pour on a cup to warm up a vodka/beer mix drink. Nikka slips they both got hot water in their face, got hikari jolted from her rest, cipher being a deep sleeper doesn't hear that.


502nd's supply chain is delayed. Good news is coalition ace squadron supply is still coming.

Former eagle eye: at least we have the easy way. Our ground crew clearing our runways

Avalanche: good lame ass excuse for them

Aleksandra: thanks to our outworlder friends. We got plenty of food. (Still happy i owned my su47 berkut custom)

Cipher: bad news is. WHERE SNOWED IN😱. I'm a outgoing guy i do things outside. Idk if i can take it any longer

Gadfly: take it easy old warhouse


Sadako: you know we can shovel our way out

Omega 11: good idea

Ronin: our brass is treating world witch ace units very well paying you with a big ass paycheck than their top brass

He felt hands pulling down to kanno's level.

Kanno: あなたは私たちの生活を大きく変えました。 その見返りに💕💕

Ronin: woah woah easy darlin

Cipher: i can't take it anymore. Rall i'm going. I need fresh air

Alecksandra: ustians are sensitive when it comes to being indoors too much

Talisman: i guess i can go too

Edytha: i'll go with my mein libeling

Talisman: right all of it down. I'm getting to an age where i don't remember i was watching last night

Edytha: (gasped)

Talisman: don't worry about me rossman

Nikka offers a can of that stuff that Edytha hates.

Brandom: that stuff gave me gas & upset stomach. I had to take tums & 3 glasses of pepto bismol. Hell no


To be continued:


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