final chapter:

50 0 0

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Tamaki (karibuchi) Vasquez & gryphus 1 real name (ooc) johnny Vasquez meets Yoshika miyafuji, before she & her unit 124th 118th are crossovering another world (world of ship girls & ac7) she got a call requesting a medic unit to check on her, however yoshika heard the news that tamaki is super soldier enhanced osea federation has supply of the serum in storage locked safely first time used to save skyler bowman tac name pheonix callsign strider 6 son of scarface 1.

Tamaki thought: uh oh, i heard about her. She tends to get blood drawn from skyler to get the serum due to rapid healing factor. That means me too. And she's a pervert

Gryphus 1 thought: where's her almost not so secret boyfriend peter?

Yoshika: major johnson mio send me here alone to save your life

Tamaki: so your from the 501st attached to 118th IUN PKF & 124th LRSSG strider & cyclops squadron

Tamaki brought her in Gryphus 1 got her back. He heard people heard her voice due to seeing the papers of yoshika & strider 2 destroyer being two big heroes of world witches.

Ace after trigger tells them to go somewhere. But due to private check ups he had to come out hang out in the hallway. Tamaki silently told him that she won't get jack.

Yoshika: now lets get started


Strider 2 destroyer fly fast flying his cfa 44 nosferatu, myafuji to check up on 502nd/coalition squadron unnamed tamaki karibuchi. Knowing what she'll do he grabs Peter her first boyfriend riding with him on his lap.

He landed sasebo fuso. Fuso personell & female fuso girls jaw dropped the famed devil dog of the strike witches is here flying the (in their eyes) the most powerful famous super jet that destroyed neruois in one go.

" its the devil dog himself "

" 天は私たちを祝福してくれましたか "

Destroyer: excuse me. Where's nemesis & tamaki Vasquez of 502nd

They showed him & peter where the room is. Peter barged in bonked yoshika on the head.

Peter: そんなに早くない💢

Destroyer: race against time my ass

Yoshika: peter kun, lex!? KUSO

Tamaki: devil dog ..... your here

gryphus 1: who barged in here. Oh hello chaos

Yoshika: what the hell. Don't tell me erica san send you?

Destroyer: nobody send me you little mad medic perv. Now put that syringe away

Tamaki: i can't believe my eyes. He has landed on our fuso soil for the first time

world witches: skies unknown CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now